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A SWIPELIST widget enables smooth scrolling of a list by swiping over the touchscreen or any other pointer input device (PID). Each SWIPELIST item can show several lines of text and/or a bitmap. It is also possible to assign one or more windows/widgets to each item. When swiping over the touchscreen the list follows the PID. After releasing the PID, the list is decelerated smoothly until it stops.

Receives focus No
Skinnable No
OwnerDraw Yes
Uses Memory Devices No
Attached widgets Optionally through SWIPELIST_ItemAttachWindow().

Notification codes

The following events are sent from a SWIPELIST widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED Item of SWIPELIST widget has been clicked.
WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED Item of SWIPELIST widget has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_SEL_CHANGED Item of SWIPELIST widget has been clicked and the pointer has been moved out of the item area.

Keyboard reaction

The widget can not gain the input focus and does not react on keyboard input.


Below are links to samples that demonstrate how to use BUTTON widgets in emWin.