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This article explains the functionalities and the usage of the Embedded Studio Package Manager.

The Package Manager is a feature in Embedded Studio to download and install CPU Support Packages / Board Support Packages / Library Packages in an easy and uncomplicated way. It also offers the possibility to install packages manually via command line or GUI.

General Information

Embedded Studio supports 2 versions of Package Manager.

All available packages for the ARM architecture can be found at https://studio.segger.com/packages

All available packages for the RISC-V architecture can be found at https://studio.segger.com/riscv/packages

With the V6.40 update of Embedded Studio a new package manager was implemented which allows to install also older versions of the package.

It can be activated as follows:

Tools -> Options -> Enviroment -> Package Manager -> Package System Version -> Version 2

Install Packages via command line

  • Embedded Studio V6.40 or newer:
    1. Open your Embedded Studio installation Folder: File -> Open Studio Folder -> Studio Folder (Ctrl+Q, F, U)
    2. Navigate to the bin folder
    3. Open a Terminal in this folder
    4. Run ./pkg update on linux, or ./pkg.exe update on windows.
    5. Run ./pkg install PackageName:Version on linux, or ./pkg.exe install PackageName:Version on windows.
  • Embedded Studio V6.34a or older:
    1. Open your Embedded Studio installation Folder: File -> Open Studio Folder -> Studio Folder (Ctrl+Q, F, U)
    2. Navigate to the bin folder
    3. Open a Terminal in this folder
    4. Run ./pkg update on linux, or ./pkg.exe update on windows.
    5. Run ./pkg install PackageName on linux, or ./pkg.exe install PackageName on windows.

Install Packages manually

There are different ways to install a package manually:

  • Install via GUI: Tools -> Manually Install Packages
  • Install via command line:
    1. Open your Embedded Studio installation Folder: File -> Open Studio Folder -> Studio Folder (Ctrl+Q, F, U)
    2. Navigate to the bin folder
    3. Open a Terminal in this folder
    4. Run: ./pkg install -manual [package_file] on linux, or ./pkg.exe install -manual [package_file] on windows.