Migration from FreeRTOS to embOS

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This wiki article describes the migration from FreeRTOS to embOS. We will extend this Wiki article if necessary. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you think any helpful information is missing here.


The following information help to migrate an existing application from FreeRTOS to embOS.
The actual work can be split into two parts:

  1. Replacing of the FreeRTOS sources with the embOS library (or sources).
  2. Replacing of the FreeRTOS API with the according embOS API.

Replacing FreeRTOS with embOS

Assuming you have a working project with FreeRTOS please remove all FreeRTOS related files. These FreeRTOS source files are named:

  • croutine.c
  • event_groups.c
  • list.c
  • queue.c
  • stream_buffer.c
  • tasks.c
  • timers.c
  • port.c
  • portmacro.h
  • atomic.h
  • croutine.h
  • deprecated_definitions.h
  • event_groups.h
  • FreeRTOS.h
  • list.h
  • message_buffer.h
  • mpu_prototypes.h
  • mpu_wrappers.h
  • portable.h
  • projdefs.h
  • queue.h
  • semphr.h
  • stack_macros.h
  • StackMacros.h
  • stream_buffer.h
  • task.h
  • timers.h

Depending on the actual FreeRTOS port and version there might be additional files or files with a similar name.

embOS comes as object or as source code variant. The object code variant includes embOS as library whereas the source code variant additionally includes the embOS source code. It is your choice if you prefer to use the embOS library or the embOS source code in your project. If you like to use the embOS library we suggest to start with the debug + profiling library. The library name includes the characters "dp", e.g. libos_v7m_t_vfpv4_le_dp.a.

If you like to use the embOS sources instead please add the following files from GenOSSrc/ folder to your project:

  • OS_Alloc.c
  • OS_Com.c
  • OS_EventObject.c
  • OS_Global.c
  • OS_Info.c
  • OS_Kern.c
  • OS_LowPower.c
  • OS_Mailbox.c
  • OS_MemPool.c
  • OS_MPU.c (only in case of embOS-MPU)
  • OS_Mutex.c
  • OS_Queue.c
  • OS_RWLock.c
  • OS_Semaphore.c
  • OS_SoftwareTimer.c
  • OS_Spinlock.c
  • OS_SysTick.c
  • OS_Task.c
  • OS_TaskEvent.c
  • OS_Timing.c
  • OS_Trace.c

There are additional port specific source files in the CPU/ and CPU/OSSrcCPU/ folder. Please add them to your project as well. Set includes paths to RTOS.h in Start/Inc/ and in case of embOS source code also to CPU/ and GenOSSrc/ folder. The define OS_LIBMODE_DP must be set in the preprocessor settings.

For more information on how to set up a project with embOS sources, please refer to Source code project.

Additional embOS board support package files need to be added to your project. You can find these files in the Setup/ and SEGGER/ folder of the according board support package. The board support packages are located in Start/BoardSupport. These files are e.g.:

  • OS_Error.c
  • RTOSInit.c
  • SEGGER_RTT.c (in case RTT should be used)
  • SEGGER_SYSVIEW.c (in case SystemView should be used)

SEGGER RTT and SystemView are not viable for embOS but are helpful tools.

Replacing FreeRTOS API with embOS API

Most FreeRTOS API has an appropriate embOS API. Since the parameter meaning could be different the FreeRTOS API can't be replaced just with search & replace.

xTaskCreate OS_TASK_Create, OS_TASK_CreateEx
xTaskCreateStatic OS_TASK_Create, OS_TASK_CreateEx
vTaskDelete OS_TASK_Terminate
vTaskDelay OS_TASK_Delay
vTaskDelayUntil OS_TASK_DelayUntil
uxTaskPriorityGet OS_TASK_GetPriority
vTaskPrioritySet OS_TASK_SetPriority
vTaskSuspend OS_TASK_Suspend
vTaskResume OS_TASK_Resume
xTaskResumeFromISR OS_TASK_Resume
xTaskAbortDelay OS_TASK_Wake
uxTaskGetSystemState See vTaskGetInfo
vTaskGetInfo OS_TASK_GetName
xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle OS_TASK_GetID
uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark OS_STACK_GetTaskStackSpace
pcTaskGetName OS_TASK_GetName
xTaskGetTickCount OS_TIME_GetTicks
xTaskGetTickCountFromISR OS_TIME_GetTicks
xTaskGetSchedulerState OS_IsRunning
uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks OS_TASK_GetNumTasks
vTaskStartTrace See SystemView
ulTaskEndTrace See SystemView
vTaskGetRunTimeStats See embOSView or SystemView
(embOS provides critical regions that prevent preemptive task switches and don't disable interrupts like taskENTER_CRITICAL and taskEXIT_CRITICAL. See OS_TASK_EnterRegion and OS_TASK_LeaveRegion.)
(embOS provides critical regions that prevent preemptive task switches and don't disable interrupts like taskENTER_CRITICAL and taskEXIT_CRITICAL. See OS_TASK_EnterRegion and OS_TASK_LeaveRegion.)
vTaskStartScheduler OS_Start
vTaskEndScheduler OS_Stop
vTaskSuspendAll OS_TASK_SuspendAll
xTaskResumeAll OS_TASK_ResumeAll
vTaskStepTick OS_TICKLESS_AdjustTime
xTaskCatchUpTicks OS_TICKLESS_AdjustTime
xTaskNotifyGive() / xTaskNotifyGiveIndexed() OS_TASKEVENT_Set (if xTaskNotifyGive used with ulTaskNotifyWait)
OS_SEMAPHORE_Give (if xTaskNotifyGive used with ulTaskNotifyTake)
vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR() / vTaskNotifyGiveIndexedFromISR() OS_TASKEVENT_Set (if xTaskNotifyGive used with ulTaskNotifyWait)
OS_SEMAPHORE_Give (if xTaskNotifyGive used with ulTaskNotifyTake)
ulTaskNotifyTake() / ulTaskNotifyTakeIndexed() OS_SEMAPHORE_Take, OS_SEMAPHORE_TakeTimed, OS_SEMAPHORE_TakeBlocked
xTaskNotify() / xTaskNotifyIndexed() OS_TASKEVENT_Set (if eNoAction or eSetBits was used)
OS_MAILBOX_Put, OS_MAILBOX_Put1 (if eSetValueWithoutOverwrite was used)
OS_SEMAPHORE_Give (if eIncrement was used)
xTaskNotifyAndQuery() / xTaskNotifyAndQueryIndexed()
xTaskNotifyAndQueryFromISR / xTaskNotifyAndQueryFromISRIndexed()/
xTaskNotifyFromISR() / xTaskNotifyFromISRIndexed() OS_TASKEVENT_Set (if eNoAction or eSetBits was used)
OS_MAILBOX_Put (if eSetValueWithoutOverwrite was used)
OS_SEMAPHORE_Give (if eIncrement was used)
xTaskNotifyWait() / xTaskNotifyWaitIndexed() OS_TASKEVENT_Get, OS_TASKEVENT_GetTimed, OS_TASKEVENT_GetBlocked
xTaskNotifyStateClear() / xTaskNotifyStateClearIndexed() OS_TASKEVENT_Clear
ulTasknotifyValueClear() / ulTasknotifyValueClearIndexed()
xQueueCreate OS_QUEUE_Create
xQueueCreateStatic OS_QUEUE_Create
vQueueDelete OS_QUEUE_Delete
xQueueSendFromISR OS_MAILBOX_Put
xQueueSendToBack OS_MAILBOX_Put, OS_MAILBOX_Put1
xQueueSendToBackFromISR OS_MAILBOX_Put
xQueueSendToFront OS_MAILBOX_PutFront, OS_MAILBOX_PutFront1
xQueueSendToFrontFromISR OS_MAILBOX_PutFront
xQueueReceive OS_MAILBOX_Get, OS_MAILBOX_GetTimed, OS_MAILBOX_GetBlocked
xQueueReceiveFromISR OS_MAILBOX_Get
uxQueueMessagesWaiting OS_MAILBOX_GetMessageCnt
uxQueueMessagesWaitingFromISR OS_MAILBOX_GetMessageCnt
xQueueReset OS_MAILBOX_Clear
xQueuePeek OS_MAILBOX_Peek
xQueuePeekFromISR OS_MAILBOX_Peek
vQueueAddToRegistry OS_DEBUG_SetObjName
pcQueueGetName OS_DEBUG_GetObjName
vQueueUnregisterQueue OS_DEBUG_RemoveObjName
xQueueIsQueueEmptyFromISR OS_QUEUE_GetMessageCnt
xQueueIsQueueFullFromISR Use OS_QUEUE_GetMessageCnt to check if returned value equals max message count. Alternatively, OS_QUEUE_Put returns a value unequal to zero if a message couldn't be put into the queue, because the queue is full.
xSemaphoreCreateBinary OS_SEMAPHORE_Create (used together with OS_SEMAPHORE_GiveMax and 1 as argument the semaphore will behave like a binary semaphore)
xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic OS_SEMAPHORE_Create (used together with OS_SEMAPHORE_GiveMax and 1 as argument the semaphore will behave like a binary semaphore)
vSemaphoreCreateBinary OS_SEMAPHORE_Create (used together with OS_SEMAPHORE_GiveMax and 1 as argument the semaphore will behave like a binary semaphore)
xSemaphoreCreateCounting OS_SEMAPHORE_Create
xSemaphoreCreateCountingStatic OS_SEMAPHORE_Create
xSemaphoreCreateMutex OS_MUTEX_Create
xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic OS_MUTEX_Create
xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex OS_MUTEX_Create
xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutexStatic OS_MUTEX_Create
vSemaphoreDelete OS_SEMAPHORE_Delete, OS_MUTEX_Delete
xSemaphoreGetMutexHolder OS_MUTEX_GetOwner
xSemaphoreTake OS_SEMAPHORE_Take, OS_SEMAPHORE_TakeTimed, OS_SEMAPHORE_TakeBlocked, OS_MUTEX_Lock, OS_MUTEX_LockTimed, OS_MUTEX_LockBlocked
xSemaphoreTakeFromISR OS_SEMAPHORE_Take
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive OS_SEMAPHORE_Take, OS_SEMAPHORE_TakeTimed, OS_SEMAPHORE_TakeBlocked, OS_MUTEX_Lock, OS_MUTEX_LockTimed, OS_MUTEX_LockBlocked
xSemaphoreGive OS_SEMAPHORE_Give, OS_MUTEX_Unlock
xSemaphoreGiveRecursive OS_SEMAPHORE_Give, OS_MUTEX_Unlock
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR OS_SEMAPHORE_Give
uxSemaphoreGetCount OS_SEMAPHORE_GetValue, OS_MUTEX_GetValue
xTimerCreate OS_TIMER_Create, OS_TIMER_CreateEx
xTimerCreateStatic OS_TIMER_Create, OS_TIMER_CreateEx
xTimerIsTimerActive OS_TIMER_GetStatus, OS_TIMER_GetStatusEx
pvTimerGetTimerID OS_TIMER_GetCurrent, OS_TIMER_GetCurrentEx (Can be used from within a timer callback to get the timer ID)
pcTimerGetName OS_DEBUG_GetObjName
vTimerSetReloadMode The timer automatically restarts when the timer callback calls OS_TIMER_Restart/OS_TIMER_RestartEx
xTimerStart OS_TIMER_Start, OS_TIMER_StartEx
xTimerStop OS_TIMER_Stop, OS_TIMER_StopEx
xTimerChangePeriod OS_TIMER_SetPeriod, OS_TIMER_SetPeriodEx
xTimerDelete OS_TIMER_Delete, OS_TIMER_DeleteEx
xTimerReset OS_TIMER_Restart, OS_TIMER_RestartEx
xTimerStartFromISR OS_TIMER_Start, OS_TIMER_StartEx
xTimerStopFromISR OS_TIMER_Stop, OS_TIMER_StopEx
xTimerChangePeriodFromISR OS_TIMER_SetPeriod, OS_TIMER_SetPeriodEx
xTimerResetFromISR OS_TIMER_Restart, OS_TIMER_RestartEx
pcTimerGetName OS_DEBUG_GetObjName
xTimerGetPeriod OS_TIMER_GetPeriod
xTimerGetExpiryTime OS_TIME_GetTicks + OS_TIMER_GetRemainingPeriod/OS_TIMER_GetRemainingPeriodEx
xEventGroupCreate OS_EVENT_Create, OS_EVENT_CreateEx
xEventGroupCreateStatic OS_EVENT_Create, OS_EVENT_CreateEx
xEventGroupWaitBits OS_EVENT_GetMask, OS_EVENT_GetMaskTimed, OS_EVENT_GetMaskBlocked
xEventGroupSetBits OS_EVENT_SetMask
xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR OS_EVENT_SetMask
xEventGroupClearBits OS_EVENT_ResetMask
xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR OS_EVENT_ResetMask
xEventGroupGetBits OS_EVENT_GetMask (Returns and consumes the passed bit mask)
vEventGroupDelete OS_EVENT_Delete


FreeRTOS is configured in FreeRTOSConfig.h. Although there exists a similar file OS_Config.h with embOS it is not necessary to configure anything there. If the embOS library mode is set in the preprocessor settings OS_Config.h is not used at all. Especially if you are working with the embOS source code OS_Config.h can be helpful to define optional settings.

Include files

With FreeRTOS different include files must be included in the application source file depending on the used FreeRTOS API.

#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"

With embOS just the RTOS.h needs to be included:

#include "RTOS.h"

Memory allocation

FreeRTOS offers different memory allocation methods. These are implemented in the files heap_1.c - heap_5.c. With FreeRTOS the RAM can be automatically dynamically allocated from the RTOS heap within the RTOS API object creation functions, or it can be provided by the application writer.

embOS API object creation functions expect a pointer to allocated memory. This memory is usually statically allocated by the application but can also be allocated from the heap.

Example for static allocation

#include "RTOS.h"

static OS_MUTEX Mutex;

int main(void) {
  return 0;

Example for dynmaic allocation

#include "RTOS.h"
#include "stdlib.h"

static OS_MUTEX* pMutex;

int main(void) {
  pMutex = malloc(sizeof(OS_MUTEX));
  return 0;

Sample application



#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"

static void HPTask(void *pvParameters) {

  while (1) {

static void LPTask(void *pvParameters) {

  while (1) {

int main(void) {
  xTaskCreate( HPTask, "HP Task", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 1, NULL );
  xTaskCreate( LPTask, "LP Task", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 1, NULL );
  return 0;



#include "RTOS.h"

static OS_STACKPTR int StackHP[128], StackLP[128];  // Task stacks
static OS_TASK         TCBHP, TCBLP;                // Task control blocks

static void HPTask(void) {
  while (1) {

static void LPTask(void) {
  while (1) {

int main(void) {
  OS_Init();    // Initialize embOS
  OS_InitHW();  // Initialize required hardware
  OS_TASK_CREATE(&TCBHP, "HP Task", 100, HPTask, StackHP);
  OS_TASK_CREATE(&TCBLP, "LP Task",  50, LPTask, StackLP);
  OS_Start();   // Start embOS
  return 0;