NXP CodeWarrior

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NXP CodeWarrior Development Studio for Microcontrollers is an Eclipse based IDE from NXP which amongst others supports the NXP Kinetis MCU (Cortex-M0, Cortex-M0+, Cortex-M4) family.

J-Link is natively supported since CodeWarrior V10.1 and does not require additional software components like the J-Link GDBServer. For more information about CodeWarrior and the installation process, please refer to www.nxp.com. NXP CodeWarrior comes with a sample project generator.

Using a CodeWarrior Project With J-Link

In the following, a short step-by-step tutorial how to configure a NXP CodeWarrior project to get up and running with J-Link is given.

  • Open the project to configure
  • Select Run| Debug Configurations | ... from the menu
  • Select the proper debug configuration

NXP CodeWarrior Tutorial 1.png

  • Switch to the Main tab and click on the Edit... button

NXP CodeWarrior Tutorial 2.png

  • Select proper target interface (SWD, JTAG, ...) and interface speed (fixed 4000 kHz is suitable for most targets and leads to good performance)

NXP CodeWarrior Tutorial 3.png

  • Make sure that the proper device is selected

NXP CodeWarrior Tutorial 4.png

  • Now the project is ready to be debugged with J-Link / J-Trace.

NXP CodeWarrior Tutorial 5.png