Raspberry Pi Pico

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Raspberry Pi Pico evaluation board (RP2040)

The Raspberry Pi Pico is a Raspberry Pi RP2040 evaluation board. It is the first MCU evaluation board published by Raspberry Pi.

Features (selection)

  • RP2040 MCU
  • 2MB on board QSPI flash
  • Micro USB-B 1.1
  • Temperature sensor
  • On board LED
  • external debug connector pads

For further information please refer to the Rapberry Pi Pico web page

Setting up with J-Link

Raspberry debug interface connection

The Raspberry Pi Pico evaluation board comes with an external SWD debug connector (3 pins: SWCLK, GND, SWDIO). To set the board up with J-Link, the following steps are required:

  1. Solder a 3-pin pin strip to the debug connector pads.
  2. Solder a pin Strip to the GPIO pads of the evaluation board. The relevant pad is Pad 36 (3V3(OUT))

  3. Connect the J-Link to the evaluation board, using jumper wires as follows:

    Pin RP Pico Pin J-Link Signal
    "DEBUG" "GND" 4 GND
    "3V3" Pad 36 1 VTref

Note: For a more reliable, simpler solution, the SEGGER Flying Wire Adapter is recommended.

Example Projects

RAM Projects

Refer to RAM Projects for the Raspberry Pi RP2040.

QSPI Projects

To run the following example projects the following prerequisites need to be met:

QSPI blinky