CFI Flash

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The setup for download into CFI-compliant memory is different from the one for internal flash. Initialization of the external memory interface the CFI flash is connected to, is user’s responsibility and is expected by the J-Link software to be done prior to performing accesses to the specified CFI area.

Generic - via J-Link script file

Specifying of the CFI area is done in a J-Link script file, as explained below. The following sample script defines a 16 MiB CFI flash at address 0x64000000 and a 64 KiB WorkRAM at address 0x20000000:

*       ConfigTargetSettings
int ConfigTargetSettings(void) {
  JLINK_ExecCommand("SetCFIFlash 0x64000000-0x64FFFFFF"); // Defaults: NumChips = 1, NumBits = 16
  // JLINK_ExecCommand("SetCFIFlash 0x64000000-0x64FFFFFF, 1, 16"); // Identical to the above
  JLINK_ExecCommand("SetWorkRAM 0x20000000-0x2000FFFF");
  return 0;

In the following example, it is explained which steps are necessary to prepare J-Link for download into external CFI flash memory based on a sample sequence for a ST STM32F103ZE device:

*       SetupTarget
int SetupTarget(void) {
  int r;

  r = 0;

  JLINK_ExecCommand("SetCFIFlash 0x64000000-0x64FFFFFF"); // Defaults: NumChips = 1, NumBits = 16
  // JLINK_ExecCommand("SetCFIFlash 0x64000000-0x64FFFFFF, 1, 16"); // Identical to the above
  JLINK_ExecCommand("SetWorkRAM 0x20000000-0x2000FFFF");
  r |= JLINK_MEM_WriteU32(0x40021014, 0x00000114); // RCC_AHBENR, FSMC clock enable
  r |= JLINK_MEM_WriteU32(0x40021018, 0x000001FD); // GPIOD~G clock enable
  r |= JLINK_MEM_WriteU32(0x40011400, 0xB4BB44BB); // GPIOD low config, NOE, NWE => Output, NWAIT => Input
  r |= JLINK_MEM_WriteU32(0x40011404, 0xBBBBBBBB); // GPIOD high config, A16-A18
  r |= JLINK_MEM_WriteU32(0x40011800, 0xBBBBBBBB); // GPIOE low config, A19-A23
  r |= JLINK_MEM_WriteU32(0x40011804, 0xBBBBBBBB); // GPIOE high config, D5-D12
  r |= JLINK_MEM_WriteU32(0x40011C00, 0x44BBBBBB); // GPIOF low config, A0-A5
  r |= JLINK_MEM_WriteU32(0x40011C04, 0xBBBB4444); // GPIOF high config, A6-A9
  r |= JLINK_MEM_WriteU32(0x40012000, 0x44BBBBBB); // GPIOG low config, A10-A15
  r |= JLINK_MEM_WriteU32(0x40012004, 0x444B4BB4); // GPIOG high config, NE2 => output
  r |= JLINK_MEM_WriteU32(0xA0000008, 0x00001059); // CS control reg 2, 16-bit, write enable, Type: NOR flash
  r |= JLINK_MEM_WriteU32(0xA000000C, 0x10000505); // CS2 timing reg (read access)
  r |= JLINK_MEM_WriteU32(0xA000010C, 0x10000505); // CS2 timing reg (write access)
  if (r < 0) {
    return -1;
  return 0;


  1. Create a new project
  2. Select the correct device or at least the core
  3. Add the device specific initialization of the external memory controller to the J-Flash init steps which are part of the project (Project settings -> MCU -> Init steps).
  4. Add a new flash bank
    1. Setup the Base Addr and the Organization of the CFI flash according to your setup.
    2. Check Automatically detect flash memory

Alternatively the method in the beginning of this article (Generic - via J-Link script file) can be used to initialize the CPU.

[Deprecated] Via J-Link settings file

  1. Open the J-Link settings file (see J-Link settings file)
  2. Add the following lines to the file
CFISize = <FlashSize>
CFIAddr = <FlashAddr>
WorkRAMSize = <RAMSize>
WorkRAMAddr = <RAMAddr>
  1. After this the file should look similar to the sample in the following screenshot.
    IAR CFI Flash Settings Marked.png
  2. Save the settings file and restart the debug session.

[Deprecated] J-Flash without RAM

J-Flash did support programming CFI compliant parallel NOR flashes without the usage of RAM. This feature is discontinued since J-Flash V7.86