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Revision as of 15:04, 17 April 2020

Animation moving a window.
File(s) required
  • GUI_SimpleAnimation.c
Runs in simulation Yes
Runs on target Yes
Download GUI_SimpleAnimation.c

This sample shows how to perform simple animations in emWin. The code shows the basic steps for creating an animation, such as creating and running it, adding animation items and using a delete callback routine.


*                    SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH                     *
*        Solutions for real time microcontroller applications        *
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*        (c) 1996 - 2020  SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH                *
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** emWin V6.10 - Graphical user interface for embedded applications **
emWin is protected by international copyright laws.   Knowledge of the
source code may not be used to write a similar product.  This file may
only  be used  in accordance  with  a license  and should  not be  re-
distributed in any way. We appreciate your understanding and fairness.
File        : GUI_SimpleAnimation.c
Purpose     : Sample that demonstrates how to perform a simple
              animation in emWin.
              This sample shows the simple steps for creating an
              animation, such as creating and running it, adding
              animation items and using a delete callback routine.
              Note that the window manager is not necessary for
              animations. The WM is only necessary in this sample
              because the animation moves a window.
Requirements: WindowManager - (x)
              MemoryDevices - ( )
              AntiAliasing  - ( )
              VNC-Server    - ( )
              PNG-Library   - ( )
              TrueTypeFonts - ( )

#include "DIALOG.h"

*       Defines
#define ANIM_PERIOD    5000

*       Types
// Custom struct with data necessary for the animation
typedef struct {
  WM_HWIN hWin;
  int     xPosStart;
  int     yPosStart;
  int     xPosDest;
  int     yPosDest;

*       Static code

*       _cbWindow
static void _cbWindow(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
  switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
  case WM_PAINT:

*       _OnDelete
static void _OnDelete(void * pVoid) {
  ANIM_DATA * pData;

  // Get custom void pointer
  pData = (ANIM_DATA *)pVoid;
  // Do something after the animation has ended...

*       _AnimMoveWindow
static void _AnimMoveWindow(GUI_ANIM_INFO * pInfo, void * pVoid) {
  ANIM_DATA * pData;
  int         xPos;
  int         yPos;

  pData = (ANIM_DATA *)pVoid; // Get struct pointer
  // Calculate new window position with the GUI_ANIM_INFO struct
  xPos = pData->xPosStart + ((pData->xPosDest - pData->xPosStart) * pInfo->Pos) / GUI_ANIM_RANGE;
  yPos = pData->yPosStart + ((pData->yPosDest - pData->yPosStart) * pInfo->Pos) / GUI_ANIM_RANGE;
  // Move window to new position
  WM_MoveTo(pData->hWin, xPos, yPos);

*       Public code
*       MainTask
void MainTask(void) {
  ANIM_DATA       Data;
  WM_HWIN         hWin;

  // Enable GUI
  // And multi-buffering to avoid flickering.
  // Create a window that will be moved using an animation
  hWin = WM_CreateWindowAsChild(20, 20, 50, 50, WM_HBKWIN, WM_CF_SHOW, _cbWindow, 0);
  // Fill custom struct type with animation data
  // Since an animation expects a void pointer, you could in theory use any data type
  Data.hWin      = hWin;                  // Handle of window to be moved
  Data.xPosStart = WM_GetWinOrgX(hWin);   // X position of where the window is located
  Data.yPosStart = WM_GetWinOrgY(hWin);   // Y position of where the window is located
  Data.yPosDest  = 120;                   // X position of where the window should move to
  Data.xPosDest  = 200;                   // Y position of where the window should move to
  // Create animation object
  //   Remark: The min time/frame here is 100 to be able to notice
  //           the colors. In a real application this value should
  //           be significantly smaller to ensure a smooth motion.
  //   Slice callback routine ----------------------+
  //   Custom *void pointer -----------------+      |
  //   Minimum time per frame ----------+    |      |
  //   Duration ------------+           |    |      |
  //                        |           |    |      |
  hAnim = GUI_ANIM_Create(ANIM_PERIOD, 50, &Data, NULL);
  // Add animation items
  //   Animation routine to be called -----------------------------+
  //   Custom *void pointer ----------------------------+          |
  //   Method of position calculation ------+           |          |
  //   End on timeline ---------+           |           |          |
  //   Start on timeline -+     |           |           |          |
  //   Anim handle --+    |     |           |           |          |
  //                 |    |     |           |           |          |
  GUI_ANIM_AddItem(hAnim, 0, ANIM_PERIOD, ANIM_LINEAR, &Data, _AnimMoveWindow);
  // Start animation
  // Function to be called on animation delete --+
  //                           +-----------------+
  // Num loops -----------+    |
  // Animation ------+    |    |
  //                 |    |    |
  GUI_ANIM_StartEx(hAnim, 1, _OnDelete);
  while (1) {

/*************************** End of file ****************************/