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This sample demonstrates how more advanced animations can be created with emWin. The advanced animation makes use of slice callbacks, custom position calculation and multiple animation items.
This sample demonstrates how more advanced animations can be created with emWin. The advanced animation makes use of slice callbacks, custom position calculation and multiple animation items.
== Related articles ==
* [[Creating animations]]
* [[Animation - simple (Sample)]]
== Code ==
== Code ==

Latest revision as of 15:10, 17 April 2020

GUI AdvancedAnimation.gif
File(s) required
  • GUI_AdvancedAnimation.c
Runs in simulation Yes
Runs on target Yes
Download GUI_AdvancedAnimation.c

This sample demonstrates how more advanced animations can be created with emWin. The advanced animation makes use of slice callbacks, custom position calculation and multiple animation items.

Related articles


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** emWin V6.10 - Graphical user interface for embedded applications **
emWin is protected by international copyright laws.   Knowledge of the
source code may not be used to write a similar product.  This file may
only  be used  in accordance  with  a license  and should  not be  re-
distributed in any way. We appreciate your understanding and fairness.
File        : GUI_AdvancedAnimation.c
Purpose     : Sample showing how to create more advanced animations,
              showing features such as slice callbacks, custom
              position calculation and usage of several animation
Requirements: WindowManager - ( )
              MemoryDevices - ( )
              AntiAliasing  - ( )
              VNC-Server    - ( )
              PNG-Library   - ( )
              TrueTypeFonts - ( )

#include <stddef.h>

#include "GUI.h"

*       Types
typedef struct {
  int xSize, ySize;
  int xPart, yPart;
  int xPos, yPos;
  int Dir;
  int Size;
  int ObjectSize;

*       Static code
*       _CalcPosition
*  Purpose:
*    Optional application defined position calculation in dependence
*    of the point of time within the animations timeline.
static I32 _CalcPosition(GUI_TIMER_TIME ts, GUI_TIMER_TIME te, GUI_TIMER_TIME tNow) {
  I32 Result;
  int Diff, Pos, Modulation;

  Diff = te - ts;
  // Linear calculation
  if (Diff) {
    Result = (tNow * GUI_ANIM_RANGE) / (te - ts);
  } else {
    Result = GUI_ANIM_RANGE;
  // Modulation
  Modulation = GUI_ANIM_RANGE >> 3;
  Pos = Result / Modulation;
  Result -= Modulation * Pos;
  if (Pos & 1) {
    Result  = Modulation - Result;
    Result  = (Result * Result) / Modulation;
    Result  = Modulation - Result;
  } else {
    Result  = (Result * Result) / Modulation;
  Result += Modulation * Pos;
  return Result;

*       _SliceInfo
*  Purpose:
*    Called before the first and after the last animation item of one
*    'slice' is drawn. A 'slice' means one or more animation item
*    which need to be drawn at a determined point in time.
*    That mechanism is used here to avoid flickering.
static void _SliceInfo(int State, void * pVoid) {
  switch (State) {
  case GUI_ANIM_END:

*       _PrepareDrawing
*  Parameters:
*    pInfo   - Animation information passed by emWin to the application
*    pVoid   - Application defined void pointer
*    ppData  - Data (pointer) pointer to application data
*    xPosOld - Position to be used for clearing the display
*    Index   - Index of animation
static void _PrepareDrawing(GUI_ANIM_INFO * pInfo, void * pVoid, ANIM_DATA ** ppData, int xPosOld, int Index) {
  ANIM_DATA * pData;

  // Use custom void pointer for pointing to application defined data structure
  pData = *ppData = (ANIM_DATA *)pVoid;
  // Calculate x-position in dependence of current animation value
  switch (pData->Dir) {
  case +1:
    pData->xPos = pData->xPart + ((pData->xSize - pData->xPart * 2) * pInfo->Pos) / GUI_ANIM_RANGE;
  case -1:
    pData->xPos = pData->xSize - pData->xPart - 1 - ((pData->xSize - pData->xPart * 2) * pInfo->Pos) / GUI_ANIM_RANGE;
  // Calculate object size in dependence of position
  pData->ObjectSize = (pData->Size * pInfo->Pos) / GUI_ANIM_RANGE;
  // Calculate y-position in dependence of animation index
  pData->yPos = pData->yPart * (2 * Index + 1);
  // Clears the area of the previous drawing
  if (xPosOld) {
    GUI_ClearRect(xPosOld - pData->yPart, pData->yPos - pData->yPart, xPosOld + pData->yPart, pData->yPos + pData->yPart - 1);
  // Set item color in dependence of animation state
  switch (pInfo->State) {
  case GUI_ANIM_END:
    pData->Dir = ((((pData->Dir + 1) / 2) ^ 1) * 2) - 1;
    //lint -fallthrough

*       _AnimDrawCircle
static void _AnimDrawCircle(GUI_ANIM_INFO * pInfo, void * pVoid) {
  ANIM_DATA * pData;
  static int xPosOld;

  _PrepareDrawing(pInfo, pVoid, &pData, xPosOld, 0);
  GUI_DrawCircle(pData->xPos, pData->yPos, pData->ObjectSize);
  xPosOld = pData->xPos;

*       _AnimDrawRect
static void _AnimDrawRect(GUI_ANIM_INFO * pInfo, void * pVoid) {
  ANIM_DATA * pData;
  static int xPosOld;

  _PrepareDrawing(pInfo, pVoid, &pData, xPosOld, 2);
  GUI_DrawRect(pData->xPos - pData->ObjectSize, pData->yPos - pData->ObjectSize, pData->xPos + pData->ObjectSize, pData->yPos + pData->ObjectSize);
  xPosOld = pData->xPos;

*       _AnimFillCircle
static void _AnimFillCircle(GUI_ANIM_INFO * pInfo, void * pVoid) {
  ANIM_DATA * pData;
  static int xPosOld;

  _PrepareDrawing(pInfo, pVoid, &pData, xPosOld, 1);
  GUI_FillCircle(pData->xPos, pData->yPos, pData->ObjectSize);
  xPosOld = pData->xPos;

*       _AnimFillRect
static void _AnimFillRect(GUI_ANIM_INFO * pInfo, void * pVoid) {
  ANIM_DATA * pData;
  static int xPosOld;

  _PrepareDrawing(pInfo, pVoid, &pData, xPosOld, 3);
  GUI_FillRect(pData->xPos - pData->ObjectSize, pData->yPos - pData->ObjectSize, pData->xPos + pData->ObjectSize, pData->yPos + pData->ObjectSize);
  xPosOld = pData->xPos;

*       _AnimDrawCross
static void _AnimDrawCross(GUI_ANIM_INFO * pInfo, void * pVoid) {
  ANIM_DATA * pData;
  static int xPosOld;

  _PrepareDrawing(pInfo, pVoid, &pData, xPosOld, 4);
  GUI_DrawHLine(pData->yPos, pData->xPos - pData->ObjectSize, pData->xPos + pData->ObjectSize);
  GUI_DrawVLine(pData->xPos, pData->yPos - pData->ObjectSize, pData->yPos + pData->ObjectSize);
  xPosOld = pData->xPos;

*       _SetupAnimationData
static void _SetupAnimationData(ANIM_DATA * pData) {
  // Get display size
  pData->xSize = LCD_GetXSize();
  pData->ySize = LCD_GetYSize();
  pData->xPart = pData->xSize / 10;
  pData->yPart = pData->ySize / 10;
  pData->Size  = (pData->yPart * 4) / 5;
  pData->Dir   = 1;

*       _AnimCreate
static void _AnimCreate(ANIM_DATA * pData) {

  // Create animation object
  //   Remark: The min time/frame here is 100 to be able to notice
  //           the colors. In a real application this value should
  //           be significantly smaller to ensure a smooth motion.
  //   Slice callback routine --------------+
  //   Custom *void pointer --------+       |
  //   Minimum time per frame --+   |       |
  //   Duration ----------+     |   |       |
  //                      |     |   |       |
  hAnim = GUI_ANIM_Create(4000, 50, pData, _SliceInfo);
  // Add animation items
  //   Animation routine to be called ----------------------------+
  //   Custom *void pointer ---------------------------+          |
  //   Method of position calculation +                |          |
  //   End on timeline ---------+     |                |          |
  //   Start on timeline -+     |     |                |          |
  //                      |     |     |                |          |
  GUI_ANIM_AddItem(hAnim,    0, 2000, ANIM_ACCEL,      pData + 0, _AnimDrawCircle);
  GUI_ANIM_AddItem(hAnim,  500, 2500, ANIM_DECEL,      pData + 1, _AnimDrawRect);
  GUI_ANIM_AddItem(hAnim, 1000, 3000, ANIM_ACCELDECEL, pData + 2, _AnimFillCircle);
  GUI_ANIM_AddItem(hAnim, 1500, 3500, ANIM_LINEAR,     pData + 3, _AnimFillRect);
  GUI_ANIM_AddItem(hAnim, 2000, 4000, _CalcPosition,   pData + 4, _AnimDrawCross);  // Item with custom defined position calculation
  // Start animation
  // Function to be called on animation delete --+
  //                           +-----------------+
  // Num loops ------------+   |
  // Animation ------+     |   |
  //                 |     |   |
  GUI_ANIM_StartEx(hAnim, -1, NULL);  // -1 means endless loop

*       Public code
*       MainTask
void MainTask(void) {
  ANIM_DATA aData[5];
  int i;

  // Initialize some data used for drawing operations
  for (i = 0; i < (int)GUI_COUNTOF(aData); i++) {
  // Create animation and pass pointer to user data and animation context
  // Keep alive...
  while (1) {

/*************************** End of file ****************************/