MTB specifics

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The ARM Micro Trace Buffer (MTB) is an on-chip trace buffer that allows to do post-mortem instruction trace via a regular J-Link with no need of a specific J-Trace unit. The MTB will use a specific amount of the on-chip RAM to store trace data while the core executes instructions. MTB is mainly used on smaller MCUs like Cortex-M0+/M23/M33 based ones.


MTB is a very limited version of trace that has the following limitations:

  • Instruction trace support only
  • No streaming trace possible
  • A portion of the target RAM may not be used by the application if MTB is used

RAM usage

Most MTBs have a trace buffer between 2 KB and 8 KB. By default, J-Link uses 512 bytes for MTB, starting at the MTB_BASE addr.

Configuration options provided by J-Link

An MTB consists of the following registers / bit fields that allow configuration of the MTB and the amount of RAM it uses:

Register / Bit field Description
MTB_BASE 32-bit register that specifies the base address of the MTB buffer
MTB_POINTER 32-bit register that specifies the offset (rel. to BASE) where the next trace packet will be stored by the HW
MTB_MASTER.MASK 5-bit bitfield that specifies the wrap-around point for the auto-inc logic of the MTB, on packet store

While the MTB_BASE register is read-only for J-Link, the MTB_POINTER and MTB_MASTER.MASK can be written by J-Link. This allows the MTB RAM usage to be configured.

Default J-Link config

  1. J-Link reads out MTB_BASE to determine the base addr. of the MTB buffer
  2. J-Link writes the POINTER register to find out the MTB buffer size
  3. J-Link sets the POINTER register to 0 to start using the MTB buffer at MTB_BASE
  4. J-Link sets the MTB_MASTER.MASK to 4 to provide a 512 byte wrap-around (setting the RAM usage to 512 bytes, starting at MTB_BASE)