Tracing on ST STM32L4R

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This article describes how to get started with trace on the ST STM32L4R MCU. This article assumes that there is already a basic knowledge about trace in general (what is trace, what different implementations of trace are there, etc.). If this is not the case, we recommend to read Trace chapter in the J-Link User Manual (UM08001). The ST STM32L4R MCU implements tracing via pins , so a J-Trace can be used for tracing.

Minimum requirements

In order to use trace on the ST STM32L4R MCU devices, the following minimum requirements have to be met:

  • J-Link software version V6.22 or later
  • Ozone V2.52 or later (if streaming trace and / or the sample project from below shall be used)
  • J-Trace PRO for Cortex-M HW version V1.0 or later
  • Tracepin connection like on the STM32L4R9I - EVAL board (See Specifics/Limitations for more information)

Sample project

Streaming trace

The following sample project is designed to be used with J-Trace PRO and Ozone to demonstrate streaming trace. The project has been tested with the minimum requirements mentioned above and a ST STM32L4R9I - EVAL. The sample project comes with a pre-configured project file for Ozone that runs out-of-the box. In order to rebuild the sample project, SEGGER Embedded Studio can be used.

To enable trace support on that particular board some hardware modifications are necessary. More information can be found in the section Specifics/Limitations.

Note: The example is shipped with a compiled .JLinkScriptfile, should you need the original source it can be requested at


The STM32L4R9I - EVAL board uses other trace pin pairs than most other STM32 devices. Make sure to use the same pin pairs if you want to try the example project. Additionally to that some hardware modifications are necessary as the trace pins are shared with on board memory. Consult the board specific user manual for detailed information.

Tested Hardware