UM08001 J-Link / J-Trace User Guide

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J-Link User Guide

J-Link software and documentation package



Command line options


Working with J-Link and J-Trace

J-Link WiFi setup

J-Link WiFi can be set up in multiple ways.

1) Using J-Link Commander:

  • Connect J-Link WiFi to your computer via USB
  • Start J-Link Commander (JLink.exe)
  • Set up the SSID of your wireless network with the following command: SetWifi SSID <your_wifi_ssid>
  • Set up the password to your wireleass network with the following command: SetWifi Pass <your_wifi_password>
  • After a few seconds, J-Link WiFi should be connected to your wireless network (the green WiFi LED should be always on).

To get the IP address:

  • After performing the steps listed above, issue the following command in J-Link Commander: USB
  • J-Link WiFi will reconnect via USB and provide its IP address, e.g.: IP-Addr: (DHCP)
  • When connecting to J-Link WiFi later on via IP, use this IP address to establish the connection

2) Using J-Link Configurator:

  • Connect J-Link WiFi to your computer via USB
  • Start J-Link Configurator (JLinkConfig.exe)
  • Right-click on the J-Link WiFi in the list of connected J-Links and select 'Configure'
  • In the WiFi configuration section, enter the SSID and the password of your wireless network
  • Click OK
  • Unplug and reconnect your J-Link WiFi
  • Click OK
  • After a few seconds, J-Link WiFi should be connected to your wireless network (the green WiFi LED should be always on).

To get the IP address:

  • Start J-Link Commander (JLink.exe)
  • J-Link WiFi will connect via USB and provide its IP address, e.g.: IP-Addr: (DHCP)
  • When connecting to J-Link WiFi later on via IP, use this IP address to establish the connection

J-Link WiFi in J-Link Configurator

JLink WiFi will only be shown in the Configurator if connected via USB. This is because the Configurator uses UDP broadcast packets to find J-Links in the network. However, most routers have UDP broadcast and UDP multicast packets disabled for WiFi networks.