Using J-Link via WiFi

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This article explains different methods that can be used to connect to a J-Link and debug via WiFi.

J-Link WiFi

Explanatory picture will follow shortly

The J-Link WiFi comes with native WiFi support. For detailed information on how to setup the J-Link WiFi, please refer to this article.

Via WiFi bridge

Schematic drawing showing how to connect to a J-Link PRO via WiFi

This method is possible with the following models:

  • J-Link PRO
  • J-Trace PRO

The J-Link PRO and J-Trace PRO models have an Ethernet connector for wired Ethernet. Therefore, making these models accessible via WiFi can be achieved by simply using a WiFi bridge.

  1. Setup a WiFi bridge for the desired WiFi network.
  2. Power the J-Link PRO / J-Trace via a 5V USB power supply (e.g. mobile powerbank).
  3. Connect the WiFi bridge to the Ethernet connector of the J-Link PRO.

J-Link BASE or higher

Explanatory picture will follow shortly

All other J-Link models do not come with native Ethernet support. However, it is still possible to make them accessible via WiFi. The easiest and most commonly used method to do so is by using a Raspberry Pi (RasPi), running the J-Link Remote Server.

  1. Start the RasPi and connect it to the desired WiFi network.
  2. Install the J-Link Software Pack on the RasPi and the remote PC (available on the homepage).
  3. Connect the J-Link to the RasPi via USB.
  4. Start the J-Link Remote Server on the RasPi and use it to connect to the J-Link.
  5. Install the J-Link Software Pack on the remote PC that is supposed to connect to the J-Link.
  6. From the remote PC connect to the J-Link Remote Server on the RasPi as described in the J-Link Remote Server article.
This method works for all latest J-Link models.