Flasher/Download project to Flasher

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Configure the Flasher for Stand-Alone Mode


  • "Send to Flasher" Button (equals to "-download" CLI option)

Use the "Configuration Project Name" entry in the Project Settings to set the Name of the files to download.
Optionally U-Flash can update the Flasher.INI file to select the latest project downloaded. (equal to Terminal Command "#Select")



To set the name on the Flasher of the project which should be downloaded, you can attach the Flasher in File Access Mode to the computer and use the "Save Flasher data file" and "Save Flasher config file" to directly store the files on the Flasher, which a name you want. (equals to CLI Option: "-savecfg <name> -savedat <name>")
Then use the Terminal Command "#Select" make the project active for programming.