Flasher Hub - Module Configuration

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Module configuration in Flasher Hub-12's web interface

Flasher Hub-12 allows to configure some options that affect the connected modules. The configuration can be applied using the web interface.


Flex mode: Positions #1, #2, and #3 are reserved, even when no module is connected

A module position is the numerical value assigned to a module. It is used to identify the module in commands and responses of the terminal.
The method used to determine the position of a module depends on the mode in use.

Direct mode

By default, Flasher Hub-12 operates in direct mode. In direct mode, the position of a module is determined by the USB-C connector number that the module is connected to.
A module that is connected to USB-C connector #1 will be assigned module position #1.
A module that is connected to USB-C connector #2 will be assigned module position #2 and so on.

Flex mode

In flex mode, the module positions are not bound to the USB-C connectors in use.
A newly connected module is assigned the first module position that is free. The user can freely choose the positions of modules.

Once a module position is assigned (either by Flasher Hub-12 or by the user), that position is reserved for the respective module. A reserved position will not be assigned to any module other than the one it is reserved for.

The user can instruct Flasher Hub-12 to "forget" a reserved module position. This frees up the module positions again.


A nickname can be assigned to a module. The nickname serves as a display name for a module and does not fulfill any other functional purpose.
More information on Flashers' nickname feature can be found here: Flasher Nickname .