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emWin is an embedded GUI solution that enables the creation of highly efficient, high quality, graphical user interfaces on any embedded system. emWin empowers even resource-constrained microcontroller-based systems to run stunning interactive interfaces. emWin is independent from any target, and display. For more detailed reference and a function and type index, you should refer to the emWin user manual.

Getting started with emWin


The requirements for running emWin on an embedded system are minimal, but always depend on how elaborate the final application is.

Requirements for Simulation

To run emWin in the simulation, one of the following IDEs is required.

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or higher
  • Codeblocks IDE with MinGW compiler


Listed below are emWin's core features. Every feature has its own page that explains the topic and offers examples for a better understanding.


Main Article: emWin Examples

This wiki offers simple, straight-forward examples that explain and visualize many of emWin's features.

Most of these examples are as stripped-down as possible, since they only intend to demonstrate a certain emWin feature. Elaborate graphics are not the main focus of the examples.


Listed below are in-depth tutorials that give a more elaborate view on certain emWin features.


The emWin and AppWizard PDF user manuals can be downloaded here.

Online documentation

The user manuals of emWin and AppWizard are also available online:


emWin also comes with many tools the user can utilize to, e.g. create custom emWin fonts, bitmaps or to even create complete applications.