How to configure JLinkScript files to enable tracing

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This article will describe how to enable trace with a JLinkScript file for supported target devices.


To enable tracing on a target device two configurations must be met:

  1. The trace related Arm Coresight module setup
  2. Target device specific pin and SFR init

Part one is taken care of by the J-Link software automatically. The device specific initialization must be configured by the user.

Generic Guide

  1. Create a J-Link script file by simply creating a plain text file and renaming it to .JLinkScript
  2. Add function OnTraceStart() to the J-Link script file (more information about script file functions in the J-Link User Manual UM08001)
  3. Localize the trace pins used on your board schematics
  4. Initialize the trace pins and enable the trace clock with the corresponding clock registers if needed
  5. If available, configure additional trace config registers that are not part of Arm Coresight modules
  6. Set the script file in your IDE/debugger of choice:
  7. Start tracing

Example Setup


The following prerequisites must be met to be able to work with the example setup:

The example project is already configured to run out-of-the-box with Ozone. However this tutorial is meant to teach how to create new configurations for any target device that is supported.


In the example project you will find a .JLinkScript file that already configures the target device correctly. This script file will now be used as reference to explain how a script file would be created for the Cortex-M Trace Reference Board from scratch.

The Cortex-M Trace Reference Board is based on a ST STM32F407VE.

  1. Get a copy of the STM32F407VE Reference Manual from ST, this documentation will be needed to have all necessary register information
  2. Create a J-Link script file by simply creating a plain text file and renaming it to .JLinkScript
  3. Add function OnTraceStart()to the J-Link script file. It follows C like syntax which is explained further in the J-Link user manual
  4. Localize the trace pins used on your board schematics, in case of the example device pins PE2-PE6 are used for tracing
  5. For most Arm Cortex devices peripheral clocks for GPIOs are disabled after reset, in case of the example device register RCC_AHB1ENR needs to be edited to enable the GPIOE clock
  6. Access 32-bit registers through the script file by using JLINK_MEM_ReadU32() and JLINK_MEM_WriteU32()
  7. Set the corresponding GPIO registers to enable alternate function mode for pins PE2-PE6, we recommend using the highest speed setting for trace pins to stay within timing requirements for trace
  8. For the example device there is an additional device specific trace register that must be set, it is called DBGMCU_CR. In this register the used pin number (1-4) must be configured and trace enabled
  9. Save the script file and set it in your IDE/debugger of choice:
  10. Start tracing
