Raspberry Pi Pico

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Raspberry Pi Pico evaluation board (RP2040)

The Raspberry Pi Pico is a Raspberry Pi RP2040 evaluation board. It is the first MCU evaluation board published by Raspberry Pi.

Features (selection)

  • RP2040 MCU
  • 2MB on board QSPI flash
  • Micro USB-B 1.1
  • Temperature sensor
  • On board LED
  • external debug connector pads

For further information please refer to the Rapberry Pi Pico web page

Setting up with J-Link

Raspberry debug interface connection

The Raspberry Pi Pico evaluation board comes with an external SWD debug connector (3 pins: SWCLK, GND, SWDIO). To set the board up with J-Link, the following steps are required:

  1. Solder a 3-pin pin strip to the debug connector pads.
  2. Solder a pin Strip to the GPIO pads of the evaluation board. The relevant pad is Pad 36 (3V3(OUT))

  3. Connect the J-Link to the evaluation board, using jumper wires as follows:

    Pin RP Pico Pin J-Link Signal
    "DEBUG" "GND" 4 GND
    "3V3" Pad 36 1 VTref

Note: For a more reliable, simpler solution, the SEGGER Flying Wire Adapter is recommended.

Example Projects

To run the following example projects the following prerequisites need to be met:

RAM Projects

Core0: Raspberry_RP2040_Pico_RAM_Core0.zip

Core1: Raspberry_RP2040_Pico_RAM_Core1.zip

Flash Projects