Main Page

From SEGGER Wiki
Revision as of 16:35, 31 May 2019 by Rolf (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the SEGGER Wiki

This Wiki has been created to answer questions about Embedded Systems in general and to explain terms used in this context (Knowledge Base), as well to have a place for information that is related to our products, but is too specific for the product descriptions on An example of something too specific is: "How to enable Trace on a particular Evaluation Board". It is a work in progress and we continue to make it better and more valuable . For any kind of feedback, please contact us at

Knowledge Base

The idea behind the knowledge base is to explain terms often used in combination with Embedded Computing Systems, or "Embedded Systems", as they are referred to in our industry. In addition, we would like to be a useful resource to engineers, students, and hobbyists programming Embedded Systems, typically microcontrollers, typically in C, C++, and some bits and pieces of Assembly language, by explaining things from a programmer's perspective and by providing useful code examples.

Examples of the terms we explain are below:

Knowledge Base has its own wiki page. To go there, click here.

Debug and Trace Tools

Debug and Trace Probes - J-Link & J-Trace

Debug and trace probes enable verification and debugging of embedded systems while they are running. The probes connect the embbedded system with the computer used for development. This section is dedicated to SEGGER's product portfolio and the related technology.

The debug and trace probes have their own wiki page here:

The individual product pages on can be accessed here:

Glossary / Definitions

Software Tools

Software Tools

Software tools are those tools running on a computer used for developing embedded systems. This includes tools to edit source code, to build firmware, to verify functionality and to find bugs if required. This section is dedicated to SEGGER's product portfolio and the related technology.

Embedded Studio

SEGGER Embedded Studio is a complete all-in-one solution for managing, building, testing and deploying your embedded applications.


Embedded Software, Stacks and Libraries

Embedded Software

Embedded software includes all libraries, stacks, middleware and software packages used as building blocks for an embedded system's firmware. This section is dedicated to SEGGER's product portfolio and the related technology. SEGGER's Embedded Software has been deployed in billions of devices.


emPack is a complete package of SEGGER's proven and reliable embedded software.


embOS is a Real Time Operating System (RTOS) by SEGGER.


emCompress is a refined software library enabling decompression and compression on resource-constrained devices which makes it the ideal resource saving software component for IoT and edge devices.



emFile is the reliable file system for non-volatile and removable memories.










emSSL is an implementation of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), now called TLS (Transport Layer Security) for Embedded Systems by SEGGER.



IoT Toolkit


Production Programming Tools

Production Tools

  • Flasher ARM
  • Flasher Portable PLUS
  • Flasher PRO
  • Flasher ATE
  • Flasher SECURE


SEGGER Runtime Library