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== SWOSetConversionMode ==
== SWOSetConversionMode ==
This command is used to set the SWO conversion mode.
This command is used to set the SWO conversion mode.
=== Syntax ===
=== Syntax ===
<tt>SWOSetConversionMode = <ConversionMode></tt>
<tt>SWOSetConversionMode = <ConversionMode></tt>
Line 1,648: Line 1,649:
== SWOSetHostBufferSize ==
== SWOSetHostBufferSize ==
This command is used to set the SWO host buffer size in bytes.
This command is used to set the SWO host buffer size in bytes.
{{Note|If the calling application (usually an IDE) makes use of SWO, it is expected that SWO data is periodically read by the calling application, from the J-Link software. Therefore, usually a 4 MB buffer on the J-Link software side is sufficient to buffer the SWO data between the intervals where the calling application empties the buffer. In order to minimize overhead, it is recommended that the calling application retrieves data from the J-Link software in big chunks (> 1 MB per SWO_Read() call).}}
=== Syntax ===
=== Syntax ===
<tt>SWOSetHostBufferSize = <HexValueInBytes></tt>
<tt>SWOSetHostBufferSize = <HexValueInBytes></tt>

Latest revision as of 09:26, 4 July 2024

The behavior of the J-Link can be customized via J-Link Command Strings passed to the JLinkARM.dll which controls J-Link. Applications such as J-Link Commander, but also other IDEs, allow passing one or more J-Link Command Strings. Command strings can be used for passing commands to J-Link (such as switching on target power supply), as well as customize the behavior (by defining memory regions and other things) of J-Link. This way, J-Link Command Strings enable to set options which are not configurable via dialogs or settings (e.g. in an IDE).

List of available commands

The table below lists and describes the available J-Link Command Strings.

Command Description
AppendToLogFile Enables/Disables always appending new loginfo to logfile.
CORESIGHT_SetCoreBaseAddr Sets core base address.
CORESIGHT_SetCTICoreBaseAddr Sets CTI core base address.
CORESIGHT_SetIndexAHBAPToUse Selects a specific AHB-AP to be used to connect to a Cortex-M device.
CORESIGHT_SetIndexAPBAPToUse Selects a specific APB-AP to be used to connect to a Cortex-A or Cortex-R device.
CORESIGHT_SetIndexBGMemAPToUse Selects AP to be used for background memory accesses (only has an effect on certain cores).
CORESIGHT_SetETBBaseAddr Sets ETB base address.
CORESIGHT_SetETBBufSize Can be used to set ETB buffer size if autodetection fails.
CORESIGHT_SetMTBBaseAddr Sets MTB base address.
CORESIGHT_SetMTBBufBaseAddr Specifies the base address of the MTB buffer (RAM that may be used by MTB).
CORESIGHT_SetMTBBufUseAddr Specifies where the MTB shall start using the RAM.
CORESIGHT_SetMTBBufUsageSize Specifies max. RAM usage for MTB.
CORESIGHT_SetETMBaseAddr Sets ETM base address.
CORESIGHT_SetPTMBaseAddr Sets PTM base address.
CORESIGHT_SetTFBaseAddr Sets Trace Funnel base address.
CORESIGHT_SetTMCBaseAddr Sets TMC base address.
CORESIGHT_SetTPIUBaseAddr Sets TPIU base address.
CORESIGHT_SetSTMTraceID Sets System Trace Macrocell trace ID.
CORESIGHT_SetSTMBaseAddr Sets System Trace Macrocell trace base address.
CORESIGHT_SetTFEnableMask Sets the CSTF mask.
device Selects the target device.
DEVICE_SelectLoader Selects the target device flash loader.
DisableAutoUpdateFW Disables automatic firmware update.
DisableCortexMXPSRAutoCorrectTBit Disables auto-correction of XPSR T-bit for Cortex-M devices.
DisableFlashBPs Disables the FlashBP feature.
DisableFlashDL Disables the J-Link FlashDL feature.
DisableInfoWinFlashBPs Disables info window for programming FlashBPs.
DisableInfoWinFlashDL Disables info window for FlashDL.
DisableLowPowerHandlingMode Disables low-power handling mode
DisableLTRACEAnalysis Disables LTRACE analyzer.
DisableMOEHandling Disables output of additional information about mode of entry in case the target CPU is halted / entered debug mode.
DisablePowerSupplyOnClose Disables power supply on close.
EnableAutoUpdateFW Enables automatic firmware update.
EnableEraseAllFlashBanks Enables erase for all accessible flash banks.
EnableFlashBPs Enables the FlashBP feature.
EnableFlashDL Enables the J-Link FlashDL feature.
EnableInfoWinFlashBPs Enables info window for programming FlashBPs.
EnableInfoWinFlashDL Enables info window for FlashDL.
EnableLowPowerHandlingMode Enables low-power handling mode
EnableMOEHandling Enables output of additional information about mode of entry in case the target CPU is halted / entered debug mode.
EnableRemarks Enable detailed output during CPU-detection / connection process.
ExcludeFlashCacheRange Invalidate flash ranges in flash cache, that are configured to be excluded from flash cache.
HideDeviceSelection Hide device selection dialog.
HSSLogFile Logs all HSS-Data to file, regardless of the application using HSS.
InhibitConnectRetries Inhibit multiple connection retries (e.g. with reset pin toggled before / while reset pin halteD) in case of initial connect failed.
InvalidateCache Invalidates Cache.
InvalidateFW Invalidating current firmware.
JLinkDevicesXMLPath Specify JLinkDevices XML folder path
MaxTraceWorker Sets maximum number of active trace analyzer threads
map exclude Ignores all memory accesses to specified area.
map illegal Marks a specified memory region as an illegal memory area. Memory accesses to this region are ignored.
map indirectread Specifies an area which should be read indirect.
map ram Specifies location of target RAM.
map region Specifies a memory region.
map reset Restores the default mapping, which means all memory accesses are permitted.
MemPreserveOnReset Adds a memory preserve area to the internal list of memory areas.
PIC32_StayInICSPProgMode Requests to stay in ICSP programming mode rather than ICSP debugging mode
ProjectFile Specifies a file or directory which should be used by the J-Link DLL to save the current configuration.
ReadIntoTraceCache Reads the given memory area into the streaming trace instruction cache.
RISCV_SetTEBaseAddr Sets the trace encoder (TE) base address.
RISCV_SetPIBRefCenter Configures how the trace signals are output on SiFive RISC-V chips.
RISCV_UseNexusViaATB Informs the J-Link DLL that the trace sink for the RISC-V N-Trace components is an ATB.
RISCV_SetTFBaseAddr Sets the trace funnel sink (TF) base address.
RISCV_SetSRAMBaseAddr Sets the SRAM sink base address.
RISCV_SetPIBBaseAddr Sets the PIB sink base address.
RISCV_SetATBBaseAddr Sets the ATB sink base address.
RISCV_SetHartSel Selects a specific hart to work with.
RTTTelnetAllowNonLocalClient Allows non local clients to connect to RTT over Telnet.
ScriptFile Set script file path.
SelectTraceSource Selects which trace source should be used for tracing.
SetAllowStopMode Allows/Disallows usage of stop mode for RTT and memory accesses.
SetAllowFlashCache Enables/Disables flash cache usage.
SetHostIF Can be used to override the host interface. Please refer to InitEmu().
SetAllowSimulation Enables/Disables instruction set simulation.
SetBatchMode Enables/Disables batch mode.
SetCFIFlash Specifies CFI flash area.
SetCheckModeAfterRead Enables/Disables CPSR check after read operations.
SetCompareMode Specifies the compare mode to be used.
SetCPUConnectIDCODE Specifies an CPU IDCODE that is used to authenticate the debug probe, when connecting to the CPU.
SetDbgPowerDownOnClose Used to power-down the debug unit of the target CPU when the debug session is closed.
SetEnableMemCache Enables/Disables DLL internal memory caching mechanisms that improve performance
SetETBIsPresent Selects if the connected device has an ETB.
SetETMIsPresent Selects if the connected device has an ETM.
SetFlashDLNoRMWThreshold Specifies a threshold when writing to flash memory does not cause a read-modify-write operation.
SetFlashDLThreshold Set minimum amount of data to be downloaded.
SetIgnoreReadMemErrors Specifies if read memory errors will be ignored.
SetIgnoreWriteMemErrors Specifies if write memory errors will be ignored.
SetInitWorkRAMOnConnect Used to indicate that it is necessary to initialize the work RAM on connect (important for ECC RAM).
SetLogVerbose Enables J-Link Log file verbose mode.
SetMonModeDebug Enables/Disables monitor mode debugging.
SetResetPulseLen Defines the length of the RESET pulse in milliseconds.
SetResetType Selects the reset strategy.
SetRestartOnClose Specifies restart behavior on close.
SetRTTAddr Set address of the RTT buffer.
SetRTTSearchRanges Set ranges to be searched for RTT buffer.
SetRTTTelnetPort Set the port used for RTT telnet.
SetRXIDCode Specifies an ID Code for Renesas RX devices to be used by the J-Link DLL.
SetSkipDebugDeInit May be used to skip debug de-init on debug session close.
SetSkipProgOnCRCMatch Deprecated. Use SetCompareMode instead.
SetSkipRestoreRAMCode Specifies if restoring of RAMCode is skipped.
SetSysPowerDownOnIdle Used to power-down the target CPU, when there are no transmissions between J-Link and target CPU, for a specified time frame.
SetVerifyDownload Specifies the verify option to be used.
SetVerifyRAMDownload Enables verification of downloads into RAM.
SetSkipL1Verify Disables the 1st-level verify.
SetWorkRAM Specifies RAM area to be used by the J-Link DLL.
ShowControlPanel Opens control panel.
SilentUpdateFW Update new firmware automatically.
SupplyPower Activates/Deactivates power supply over pin 19 of the JTAG connector.
SupplyPowerDefault Activates/Deactivates power supply over pin 19 of the JTAG connector permanently.
SuppressControlPanel Suppress pop up of the control panel.
SuppressGUI Suppress any GUI the J-Link software may spawn.
SuppressInfoUpdateFW Suppress information regarding firmware updates.
SWOSetConversionMode Set SWO Conversion mode.
SWOSetHostBufferSize Set SWO host buffer size.
TraceFile Sets path for trace file to capture RAWTrace data.
TraceSampleAdjust Allows to adjust the sampling timing on the specified pins, inside the J-Trace firmware.
TRACE_SetEnableITMExceptionPackets Enables/disables ITM exception packet generation.
TRACE_SetEnableITMPCSamples Enables/disables ITM PC sample packet generation.
TRACE_SetEnableITMTimestamps Enables/disables ITM timestamp packet generation..
TRACE_SetEnableStalling Enables optional stalling feature of the target device's trace encoder.
TRACE_SetSTMDataFile Enables storing of STM data to file. (Mutually exclusive with TRACE_SetSTMDataPort)
TRACE_SetSTMDataPort Enables storing of STM data to port. (Mutually exclusive with TRACE_SetSTMDataFile)
TRACE_SetBackTraceMaxNumItems Specifies max. number of items to be stored in backtrace buffer.
SetVTrefTmp Temporarily set VTref to a fixed value between 1.2 and 5 V.

For a list of Xtensa related command strings, please refer to the J-Link Xtensa specifics article.


This command can be used to configure the AppendToLogFile feature. If enabled, new log data will always be appended to an existing logfile. Otherwise, each time a new connection will be opened, existing log data will be overwritten. By default new log data will not be always appended to an existing logfile.


AppendToLogFile = 0 | 1


AppendToLogFile 1


This command is used to define an AP for an ARM Cortex-M device. This might be necessary for systems with cascaded AP setups.

For example, if the connected target provides the following AP layout:

  • AP[0]: AHB-AP
    • AP[0]: APB-AP
    • AP[1]: AHB-AP


CORESIGHT_AddAP = Index=<Index> Type=<Type> Addr=<BaseAddr> Parent=<ParentIndex>

Parameter Description
Index Index of the AP
Type Type of the AP
Addr Base address of the AP in the DP address space
Parent Parent AP


CORESIGHT_AddAP = Index=0 Type=APB-AP Addr=0x60002000
CORESIGHT_AddAP = Index=1 Type=AXI-AP Addr=0x60004000
CORESIGHT_AddAP = Index=2 Type=AHB-AP Addr=0x60102000 Parent=0


This command is used to set the core base address.


CORESIGHT_SetCoreBaseAddr = <Address>


CORESIGHT_SetCoreBaseAddr = 0x00010000


This command is used to set the CTI core base address. When using ARMv8-AR devices it is mandatory to set this together with the core base address.


CORESIGHT_SetCTICoreBaseAddr = <Address>


CORESIGHT_SetCTICoreBaseAddr = 0x00020000


This command is used to select a specific AHB-AP to be used when connected to an ARM Cortex-M device. Usually, it is not necessary to explicitly select an AHB-AP to be used, as J-Link auto-detects the AP automatically. For multi-core systems with multiple AHB-APs it might be necessary.
The index selected here is an absolute index. For example, if the connected target provides the following AP layout:

  • AP[0]: AHB-AP
  • AP[1]: APB-AP
  • AP[2]: AHB-AP
  • AP[3]: JTAG-AP

In order to select the second AHB-AP to be used, use "2" as index.


CORESIGHT_SetIndexAHBAPToUse = <Index>




This command is used to select a specific APB-AP to be used when connected to an ARM Cortex-A or Cortex-R device. Usually, it is not necessary to explicitly select an AHB-AP to be used, as J-Link auto-detects the AP automatically. For multi-core systems with multiple APB-APs it might be necessary.
The index selected here is an absolute index. For example, if the connected target provides the following AP layout:

  • AP[0]: APB-AP
  • AP[1]: AHB-AP
  • AP[2]: APB-AP
  • AP[3]: JTAG-AP

In order to select the second APB-AP to be used, use "2" as index.


CORESIGHT_SetIndexAPBAPToUse = <Index>




This command is used to select a specific MEM-AP (AHB-AP or AXI-AP) to be used for background memory accesses.
This is mainly used on cores that do not have mandatory background memory access support (e.g. Cortex-A and Cortex-R based ones) but there is a MEM-AP present on the actual chip.
For example, for Cortex-M based cores, this command string has no effect because for Cortex-M the AHB-AP connected to the core is also used to perform background memory accesses.
Background memory access support is for example needed to support features like RTT and HSS.
For example, if the following AP map is specified for a target device:

  • AP[0]: APB-AP
  • AP[1]: AHB-AP
  • AP[2]: AXI-AP
  • AP[3]: JTAG-AP

In order to select AP[2] to be used for background memory accesses, use "2" as index.


CORESIGHT_SetIndexBGMemAPToUse = <Index>




This command can be used to set the Coresight ETB base address if the debug probe could not get this information from the target devices ROM table. Additionally an unlock of the module can be forced and an alternative AP index can be set. These settings are optional.

Default values

The default values for the APIndex and base address are usually autodetected by J-Link/J-Trace. So only change these values if the autodetection fails or is incorrect. The default unlock value is 0 (no unlock) for Cortex-A/R cores and 1 (always unlock) for Cortex-M.


CORESIGHT_SetETBBaseAddr = <Addr> [ForceUnlock = <ForceUnlock>] [APIndex = <APIndex>]


CORESIGHT_SetETBBaseAddr = 0xE0041000


CORESIGHT_SetETBBaseAddr = 0xE0041000 ForceUnlock = 1 APIndex = 2


This command can be used to set the Coresight ETB size if the debug probe could not get this information from the target device.


CORESIGHT_SetETBBufSize = <Size>


CORESIGHT_SetETBBufSize = 0x4000


This command can be used to set the Coresight MTB base address if the debug probe could not get this information from the target devices ROM table. Additionally an unlock of the module can be forced and an alternative AP index can be set. These settings are optional.

Default values

The default values for the APIndex and base address are usually autodetected by J-Link/J-Trace. So only change these values if the autodetection fails or is incorrect. The default unlock value is 1 (always unlock) for Cortex-M.


CORESIGHT_SetMTBBaseAddr = <Addr> [ForceUnlock = <ForceUnlock>] [APIndex = <APIndex>]


CORESIGHT_SetMTBBaseAddr = 0xE0041000


CORESIGHT_SetMTBBaseAddr = 0xE0041000 ForceUnlock = 1 APIndex = 2


Specifies the base address of the MTB buffer (RAM that may be used by MTB). This is only needed for devices where the MTB_BASE register returns an incorrect address. (E.g. on the NXP KL26Z series devices)


CORESIGHT_SetMTBBufBaseAddr = <Addr>


CORESIGHT_SetMTBBufBaseAddr = 0x20000000


Specifies where the MTB shall start using the RAM. This address may be greater than MTB_BASE but must be within the bound of MTB_BASE and MTB_BASE + MaxBufSize.


CORESIGHT_SetMTBBufUseAddr = <Addr>


CORESIGHT_SetMTBBufUseAddr = 0x20000100


Specifies max. RAM usage for MTB (must be a power of 2). This must not exceed MaxBufSize


CORESIGHT_SetMTBBufUsageSize = <Size>


CORESIGHT_SetMTBBufUsageSize = 0x1000


This command can be used to set the Coresight ETM base address if the debug probe could not get this information from the target devices ROM table. Additionally an unlock of the module can be forced and an alternative AP index can be set. These settings are optional.

Default values

The default values for the APIndex and base address are usually autodetected by J-Link/J-Trace. So only change these values if the autodetection fails or is incorrect. The default unlock value is 0 (no unlock) for Cortex-A/R cores and 1 (always unlock) for Cortex-M.


CORESIGHT_SetETMBaseAddr = <Addr> [ForceUnlock = <ForceUnlock>] [APIndex = <APIndex>]


CORESIGHT_SetETMBaseAddr = 0xE0041000


CORESIGHT_SetETMBaseAddr = 0xE0041000 ForceUnlock = 1 APIndex = 2


This command can be used to set the Coresight PTM base address if the debug probe could not get this information from the target devices ROM table. Additionally an unlock of the module can be forced and an alternative AP index can be set. These settings are optional.

Default values

The default values for the APIndex and base address are usually autodetected by J-Link/J-Trace. So only change these values if the autodetection fails or is incorrect. The default unlock value is 0 (no unlock) for Cortex-A/R cores and 1 (always unlock) for Cortex-M.


CORESIGHT_SetPTMBaseAddr = <Addr> [ForceUnlock = <ForceUnlock>] [APIndex = <APIndex>]


CORESIGHT_SetPTMBaseAddr = 0xE0041000


CORESIGHT_SetPTMBaseAddr = 0xE0041000 ForceUnlock = 1 APIndex = 2


This command can be used to set the Coresight TF(Trace Funnel) base address if the debug probe could not get this information from the target devices ROM table. Additionally an unlock of the module can be forced and an alternative AP index can be set. These settings are optional.

Default values

The default values for the APIndex and base address are usually autodetected by J-Link/J-Trace. So only change these values if the autodetection fails or is incorrect. The default unlock value is 0 (no unlock) for Cortex-A/R cores and 1 (always unlock) for Cortex-M.


CORESIGHT_SetTFBaseAddr = <Addr> [ForceUnlock = <ForceUnlock>] [APIndex = <APIndex>]


CORESIGHT_SetTFBaseAddr = 0xE0041000


CORESIGHT_SetTFBaseAddr = 0xE0041000 ForceUnlock = 1 APIndex = 2


This command can be used to set the Coresight TMC base address if the debug probe could not get this information from the target devices ROM table. Additionally an unlock of the module can be forced and an alternative AP index can be set. These settings are optional.

Default values

The default values for the APIndex and base address are usually autodetected by J-Link/J-Trace. So only change these values if the autodetection fails or is incorrect. The default unlock value is 0 (no unlock) for Cortex-A/R cores and 1 (always unlock) for Cortex-M.


CORESIGHT_SetTMCBaseAddr = <Addr> [ForceUnlock = <ForceUnlock>] [APIndex = <APIndex>]


CORESIGHT_SetTMCBaseAddr = 0xE0041000


CORESIGHT_SetTMCBaseAddr = 0xE0041000 ForceUnlock = 1 APIndex = 2


This command can be used to set the Coresight TPIU base address if the debug probe could not get this information from the target devices ROM table. Additionally an unlock of the module can be forced and an alternative AP index can be set. These settings are optional.

Default values

The default values for the APIndex and base address are usually autodetected by J-Link/J-Trace. So only change these values if the autodetection fails or is incorrect. The default unlock value is 0 (no unlock) for Cortex-A/R cores and 1 (always unlock) for Cortex-M.


CORESIGHT_SetTPIUBaseAddr = <Addr> [ForceUnlock = <ForceUnlock>] [APIndex = <APIndex>]


CORESIGHT_SetTPIUBaseAddr = 0xE0041000


CORESIGHT_SetTPIUBaseAddr = 0xE0041000 ForceUnlock = 1 APIndex = 2


This command can be used to set the Coresight STM (System Trace Macrocell) base address if the debug probe could not get this information from the target devices ROM table. Additionally an unlock of the module can be forced and an alternative AP index can be set. These settings are optional.

Default values

The default values for the APIndex and base address are usually autodetected by J-Link/J-Trace. So only change these values if the autodetection fails or is incorrect. The default unlock value is 0 (no unlock) for Cortex-A/R cores and 1 (always unlock) for Cortex-M.


CORESIGHT_SetSTMBaseAddr = <Addr> [ForceUnlock = <ForceUnlock>] [APIndex = <APIndex>]


CORESIGHT_SetSTMBaseAddr = 0xE0047000


CORESIGHT_SetSTMBaseAddr = 0xE0047000 ForceUnlock = 1 APIndex = 2


This command can be used to set the Coresight STM (System Trace Macrocell) trace ID.

Default values

The default values is 0x40.

Reserved values

Reserved values are:

  • 0x00
  • 0x7F
  • 0x10






This command can be used to set the Coresight CSTF mask.

Default values

See Device documentation


CORESIGHT_SetTFEnableMask = <Mask>


CORESIGHT_SetTFEnableMask = 0x12345678


This command selects the target device.


device = <DeviceID>
DeviceID has to be a valid device identifier. For a list of all available device identifiers, please refer to the SEGGER homepage.


device = AT91SAM7S256


This command selects the flash loader for the target device if multiple loaders are available.


DEVICE_SelectLoader BankAddr=<FlashBankBase> Loader=<LoaderName>

Parameter Meaning
FlashBankBase The base address of the flashbank for which a different loader should be used.
LoaderName The name of the loader which should be used.


DEVICE_SelectLoader BankAddr=<FlashBankBase> Loader=<LoaderName>


This command is used to disable the automatic firmware update if a new firmware is available.




Usually, the J-Link DLL auto-corrects the T-bit of the XPSR register to 1, for Cortex-M devices. This is because having it set as 0 is an invalid state and would cause several problems during debugging, especially on devices where the erased state of the flash is 0x00 and therefore on empty devices the T-bit in the XPSR would be 0. Anyhow, if for some reason explicit disable of this auto-correction is necessary, this can be achieved via the following J-Link Command String.




This command disables the FlashBP feature.




This command disables the J-Link FlashDL feature.




This command is used to disable the flash download window for the flash breakpoint feature. Enabled by default.




This command is used to disable the flash download information window for the flash download feature. Enabled by default.




This command is used to disable low-power handling mode. For further information, please refer to Low power debugging.
Disabled by default.




This command is used to disable the LTRACE analyzer on your host system when streaming trace is used. It can be used in cases where e.g. only the RAWTRACE data should be saved to a file or when the host system is to slow to keep up with the trace stream so at least the "Backtrace" information can be displayed.


DisableLTRACEAnalysis = 1


The J-Link DLL outputs additional information about mode of entry (MOE) in case the target CPU halted / entered debug mode. Disabled by default.




This command is used to ensure that the power supply for the target will be disabled on close.




This command is used to enable the automatic firmware update if a new firmware is available.




Used to enable erasing of other flash banks than the internal, like (Q)SPI flash or CFI flash.




This command enables the FlashBP feature.




This command enables the J-Link ARM FlashDL feature.




This command is used to enable the flash download window for the flash breakpoint feature. Enabled by default.




This command is used to enable the flash download information window for the flash download feature, which is enabled by default.




Puts the DLL in low-power handling mode. For further information, please refer to Low power debugging.
Disabled by default.




The J-Link DLL outputs additional information about mode of entry (MOE) in case the target CPU halted / entered debug mode. Disabled by default.




The J-Link DLL provides more detailed output during CPU-detection / connection process. Kind of "verbose" option. Disabled by default, therefore only an enable option. Will be reset to "disabled" on each call to JLINK_Open() (reconnect to J-Link).




This command is used to invalidate flash ranges in flash cache, that are configured to be excluded from the cache. Per default, all areas that J-Link knows to be Flash memory, are cached. This means that it is assumed that the contents of this area do not change during program execution. If this assumption does not hold true, typically because the target program modifies the flash content for data storage, then the affected area should be excluded. This will slightly reduce the debugging speed.


ExcludeFlashCacheRange <Range>


ExcludeFlashCacheRange 0x10000000-0x100FFFFF


This command can be used to suppress the device selection dialog. If enabled, the device selection dialog will not be shown in case an unknown device is selected.


HideDeviceSelection = 0 | 1


HideDeviceSelection 1 // Device selection will not show up


This command enables HSS-Logging. Separate to the application using HSS, all HSS Data will be stored in the specified file.


HSSLogFile = <Path>


HSSLogFile = C:\Test.log


By default, the J-Link SW performs additional connection attempts such as connect under reset or connect after toggling the reset pin, in case of initial one failed. This command can be used to inhibit additional connection attempts.


InhibitConnectRetries = 0 | 1


This command is used to invalidate cache.




This command is used to invalidate the current firmware of the J-Link / J-Trace. Invalidating the firmware will force a firmware update. Can be used for downdating. For more information please refer to J-Link / J-Trace firmware




This command is used to specify a JLinkDevicesXML folder path that is different from the default folder.


JLinkDevicesXMLPath = C:\Temp\


This command sets the maximum number of host CPU threads which can be used for trace analysis.

Default value = 16

Maximum value = 32

Note: Must be set after connection to J-Link is opened e.g. in the after target connect hooks in the J-Link script file or Ozone project file.


MaxTraceWorker = <NumWorkers>


MaxTraceWorker = 8

map exclude

This command excludes a specified memory region from all memory accesses. All subsequent memory accesses to this memory region are ignored.

Memory mapping

Some devices do not allow access of the entire 4GiB memory area. Ideally, the entire memory can be accessed; if a memory access fails, the CPU reports this by switching to abort mode. The CPU memory interface allows halting the CPU via a WAIT signal. On some devices, the WAIT signal stays active when accessing certain unused memory areas. This halts the CPU indefinitely (until RESET) and will therefore end the debug session. This is exactly what happens when accessing critical memory areas. Critical memory areas should not be present in a device; they are typically a hardware design problem. Nevertheless, critical memory areas exist on some devices.
To avoid stalling the debug session, a critical memory area can be excluded from access: J-Link will not try to read or write to critical memory areas and instead ignore the access silently. Some debuggers (such as IAR C-SPY) can try to access memory in such areas by dereferencing non-initialized pointers even if the debugged program (the debuggee) is working perfectly. In situations like this, defining critical memory areas is a good solution.


map exclude <SAddr>-<EAddr>


This is an example for the map exclude command in combination with an NXP LPC2148 MCU.

Memory map:

Range Description
0x00000000-0x0007FFFF On-chip flash memory
0x00080000-0x3FFFFFFF Reserved
0x40000000-0x40007FFF On-chip SRAM
0x40008000-0x7FCFFFFF Reserved
0x7FD00000-0x7FD01FFF On-chip USB DMA RAM
0x7FD02000-0x7FD02000 Reserved
0x7FFFD000-0x7FFFFFFF Boot block (remapped from on-chip flash memory)
0x80000000-0xDFFFFFFF Reserved
0xE0000000-0xEFFFFFFF VPB peripherals
0xF0000000-0xFFFFFFFF AHB peripherals

The "problematic" memory areas are:

Range Description
0x00080000-0x3FFFFFFF Reserved
0x40008000-0x7FCFFFFF Reserved
0x7FD02000-0x7FD02000 Reserved
0x80000000-0xDFFFFFFF Reserved

To exclude these areas from being accessed through J-Link the map exclude command should be used as follows:

map exclude 0x00080000-0x3FFFFFFF
map exclude 0x40008000-0x7FCFFFFF
map exclude 0x7FD02000-0x7FD02000
map exclude 0x80000000-0xDFFFFFFF

map illegal

This command marks a specified memory region as an illegal memory area. All subsequent memory accesses to this memory region produces a warning message and the memory access is ignored. This command can be used to mark more than one memory region as an illegal area by subsequent calls.


map illegal <SAddr>-<EAddr>


map illegal 0xF0000000-0xFFDFFFFF

Additional information

  • SAddr has to be a 256-byte aligned address.

The region size has to be a multiple of 256 bytes.

map indirectread

This command can be used to read a memory area indirectly. Indirect reading means that a small code snippet is downloaded into RAM of the target device, which reads and transfers the data of the specified memory area to the host. Before map indirectread can be called a RAM area for the indirect read code snippet has to be defined. Use therefor the map ram command and define a RAM area with a size of >= 256 byte.


map indirectread <StartAddressOfArea>-<EndAddress>


map indirectread 0x3fffc000-0x3fffcfff

Additional information

  • StartAddressOfArea has to be a 256-byte aligned address.

The region size has to be a multiple of 256 bytes.

map ram

This command should be used to define an area in RAM of the target device. The area must be 256-byte aligned. The data which was located in the defined area will not be corrupted. Data which resides in the defined RAM area is saved and will be restored if necessary. This command has to be executed before map indirectread will be called.


map ram <StartAddressOfArea>-<EndAddressOfArea>


map ram 0x40000000-0x40003fff;

Additional information

  • StartAddressOfArea has to be a 256-byte aligned address.

The region size has to be a multiple of 256 bytes.

map region

This command is used to specify memory areas with various region types.


map region <StartAddressOfArea>-<EndAddressOfArea> <RegionType>
In case of using alias region type:
map region <StartAddressOfArea>-<EndAddressOfArea> <RegionType> <StartAliasedAddress> <AliasedAreaSize>

Region type Description
N Normal
C Cacheable
X Excluded
XI Excluded & Illegal
I Indirect access
A Alias (static, e.g. RAM/flash that is aliased multiple times in one area. Does not change during the debug session.)
AD Alias (dynamic, e.g. memory areas where different memories can be mapped to.)


map region 0x100000-0x1FFFFF C
map region 0x0-0x1ffff A 0x08000000 0x20000

map reset

This command restores the default memory mapping, which means all memory accesses are permitted.

Typical applications

Used with other "map" commands to return to the default values. The map reset command should be called before any other "map" command is called.


map reset


map reset


This command is used to add a memory preserve area to the internal list of memory areas that need to be preserved before reset and need to be restored after reset.
The memory area specified must be readable by the CPU before reset and must be writeable by the CPU immediately after reset.
This is mainly used for SRAM debug configurations etc.

Required software version: V6.32 or later


MemPreserveOnReset <Addr> <Size>[ <Addr> <Size> ...]


MemPreserveOnReset 0x20000000 0x1000


Special command for Microchip PIC32MX and PIC32MZ series devices, when using ICSP (2-wire JTAG) interface for debugging / programming.
Requests to J-Link to not touch the debug bits in the DEVCFG register, where it would usually enable ICSP debugging mode.
Instead, J-Link keeps the device in ICSP programming mode.


PIC32_StayInICSPProgMode = <0/1>


PIC32_StayInICSPProgMode = 1


This command has no effect for other devices and also no effect when using PIC32MX / MZ via traditional 4-wire JTAG.
The default setting is PIC32_StayInICSPProgMode = 0
ICSP programming and debugging modes are very similar but programming mode has some limitations:

  • Flash programming speed is much slower than in ICSP debugging mode because PLL settings are not applied in this mode.
  • Other configuration bits are only partially applied (e.g. lock bits are ignored while in this mode and only applied on the next power-on reset)

This command string is supported since J-Link software V7.92e


This command is used to specify a file used by the J-Link DLL to save the current configuration.
Using this command is recommended if settings need to be saved. This is typically the case if Flash breakpoints are enabled and used. It is recommended that an IDE uses this command to allow the JLinkARM.dll to store its settings in the same directory as the project and settings file of the IDE. The recommended extension for project files is *.jlink.
Assuming the Project is saved under C:\Work\Work and the project contains to targets name Debug and Release, the debug version could set the file name
The release version could use

Spaces in the filename are permitted.


ProjectFile = <FullFileName>


ProjectFile = C:\Work\Release.jlink


This command is used to read a given memory area into the trace instruction cache. It is mainly used for cases where the download address of the application differs from the execution address. As for trace analysis only cached memory contents are used as memory accesses during trace (especially streaming trace) cause an overhead that is too big, by default trace will only work if execution address is identical to the download address. For other cases, this command can be used to read specific memory areas into the trace instruction cache.

This command causes an immediate read from the target, so it should only be called at a point where memory contents at the given area are known to be valid.


ReadIntoTraceCache <Addr> <NumBytes>


ReadIntoTraceCache 0x08000000 0x2000


This command is used to set the trace encoder(TE) base address for RISC-V devices. Without setting this base address neither buffer nor pin trace will work.


RISCV_SetTEBaseAddr= <Addr> [APIndex = <APIndex>]

Default values

The default value for the APIndex is usually the AP where the RISC-V core is located. So only change this value if the trace components is accessible via a different AP than the core.


RISCV_SetTEBaseAddr = 0x10000000


RISCV_SetTEBaseAddr = 0x10000000 APIndex = 2


Enables / Disables RISCV_SetPIBRefCenter. This defines how the trace signals on SiFive Nexus trace are output.
If RISCV_SetPIBRefCenter = 0 then trace data and trace clock are output at the same time, so the trace probe needs to have a sampling delay.
If RISCV_SetPIBRefCenter = 1 then trace data is 90° phase shifted to the trace clock ensuring easier sampling, but the trace clock speed is also halved.


RISCV_SetPIBRefCenter = <OnOff>


RISCV_SetPIBRefCenter = 1
RISCV_SetPIBRefCenter = 0


This command is used to Inform the J-Link DLL that the trace sink for the RISC-V N-Trace components is an ATB.


RISCV_UseNexusViaATB = <Value>

Default values

Per default the ATB sink is disabled (=0)


RISCV_UseNexusViaATB = 1

Supported since J-Link software V7.88m.


This command is used to set the trace funnel (TF) base address for RISC-V devices.


RISCV_SetTFBaseAddr= <Addr> [APIndex = <APIndex>]

Default values

The default value for the APIndex is usually the AP where the RISC-V core is located. So only change this value if the trace components is accessible via a different AP than the core.


RISCV_SetTFBaseAddr = 0x10000000


RISCV_SetTFBaseAddr = 0x10000000 APIndex = 2

Supported since J-Link software V7.88m.


This command is used to set the SRAM sink base address for RISC-V devices.


RISCV_SetSRAMBaseAddr = <Addr> [APIndex = <APIndex>]

Default values

The default value for the APIndex is usually the AP where the RISC-V core is located. So only change this value if the trace components is accessible via a different AP than the core.


RISCV_SetSRAMBaseAddr = 0x10000000


RISCV_SetSRAMBaseAddr = 0x10000000 APIndex = 2

Supported since J-Link software V7.88m.


This command is used to set the PIB sink base address for RISC-V devices.


RISCV_SetPIBBaseAddr = <Addr> [APIndex = <APIndex>]

Default values

The default value for the APIndex is usually the AP where the RISC-V core is located. So only change this value if the trace components is accessible via a different AP than the core.


RISCV_SetPIBBaseAddr = 0x10000000 or RISCV_SetPIBBaseAddr = 0x10000000 APIndex = 2

Supported since J-Link software V7.88m.


This command is used to set the ATB sink base address for RISC-V devices.


RISCV_SetATBBaseAddr = <Addr> [APIndex = <APIndex>]

Default values

The default value for the APIndex is usually the AP where the RISC-V core is located. So only change this value if the trace components is accessible via a different AP than the core.


RISCV_SetATBBaseAddr = 0x10000000 or RISCV_SetATBBaseAddr = 0x10000000 APIndex = 2

Supported since J-Link software V7.88m.


This command is used to select a specific hart for RISC-V devices.


RISCV_SetHartSel = <Hart>

Default values

The default value is hart 0.


RISCV_SetHartSel = 1


This command is used to set allowance for non local telnet clients to access RTT data. Per default this value is 0 and only local connections are accepted. It can be set to 1 to enable non local connections as well.

This command is allowed to be used before JLINKARM_Open() was called. This can be achieved using J-Link SDK. For more information visit our website.


RTTTelnetAllowNonLocalClient = 0 | 1


RTTTelnetAllowNonLocalClient = 1 // enables non local clients


This command is used to set the path to a J-Link script file which shall be executed. J-Link scriptfiles are mainly used to connect to targets which need a special connection sequence before communication with the core is possible.


ScriptFile = <FullFileName>


ScriptFile = C:\Work\Default.JLinkScript


This command selects the trace source which shall be used for tracing.

This is only relevant when tracing on a target that supports trace via pins as well as trace via on-chip trace buffer and a J-Trace (which supports both) is connected to the PC.


SelectTraceSource = <SourceNumber>

Trace source number Description


SelectTraceSource = 0 // Select ETB


This command is used to allow / disallow stop mode for RTT and memory accesses. Enabled by default, should only be disabled for testing purposes. For more information about different RTT and memory access modes, please refer to:


SetAllowStopMode = 0 | 1


SetAllowStopMode = 0 // Disable usage of stop mode


This command is used to enable / disable caching of flash contents. Enabled by default.


SetAllowFlashCache = 0 | 1


SetAllowFlashCache = 1 // Enables flash cache


This command can be used to override the host interface. This function should be used used thoughtful and only if you know exactly what you are doing as there are many things which needs to be taken into account. For further information regarding this please refer to InitEmu()


SetHostIF USB = <SerialNumber>
SetHostIF IP = <IP address>


SetHostIF USB = 123456           // Connect to J-Link via USB (SN 123456)
SetHostIF IP  =    // Connect to J-link with specified IP addr.


This command can be used to enable or disable the instruction set simulation. By default the instruction set simulation is enabled.


SetAllowSimulation = 0 | 1


SetAllowSimulation 1 // Enables instruction set simulation


This command is used to tell the J-Link DLL that it is used in batch-mode / automatized mode, so some dialogs etc. will automatically close after a given timeout. Disabled by default.


SetBatchMode = 0 | 1


SetBatchMode 1 // Enables batch mode 


This command can be used to set a memory area for CFI compliant flashes.

Default values

  • NumChips: 1
  • NumBits: 16


SetCFIFlash <StartAddressOfArea>-<EndAddressOfArea>[, <NumChips>, <NumBits>]


SetCFIFlash 0x10000000-0x100FFFFF


SetCFIFlash 0x10000000-0x100FFFFF, 1, 16


This command is used to enable or disable the verification of the CPSR (current processor status register) after each read operation. By default this check is enabled. However this can cause problems with some CPUs (e.g. if invalid CPSR values are returned). Please note that if this check is turned off (SetCheckModeAfterRead = 0), the success of read operations cannot be verified anymore and possible data aborts are not recognized.

Typical applications

This verification of the CPSR can cause problems with some CPUs (e.g. if invalid CPSR values are returned). Note that if this check is turned off (SetCheckModeAfterRead = 0), the success of read operations cannot be verified anymore and possible data aborts are not recognized.


SetCheckModeAfterRead = 0 | 1


SetCheckModeAfterRead = 0 


This command is used to configure the compare mode.


SetCompareMode = <Mode>

<Mode> Description
0 Skip
1 Using fastest method (default)
2 Using CRC
3 Using readback


SetCompareMode = 1 // Select using fastest method


Used to specify an IDCODE that is used by J-Link to authenticate itself when connecting to a specific device. Some devices allow the user to lock out a debugger by default, until a specific unlock code is provided that allows further debugging. This function allows to automate this process, if J-Link is used in a production environment.
The IDCODE stream is expected as a hex-encoded byte stream. If the CPU e.g. works on a word-basis for the IDCODE, this stream is interpreted as a little endian formatted stream where the J-Link library then loads the words from and passes them to the device during connect.


SetCPUConnectIDCODE = <IDCODE_Stream>


Example authentication key:

  • AuthenticationKey0: 0x01234567
  • AuthenticationKey1: 0x89ABCDEF
  • AuthenticationKey2: 0x00224466
  • AuthenticationKey3: 0x88AABBCC

Command string:

exec SetCPUConnectIDCODE 67452301EFCDAB8966442200CCBBAA88


When using this command, the debug unit of the target CPU is powered-down when the debug session is closed.

This command works only for Cortex-M devices.

Typical applications

This feature is useful to reduce the power consumption of the CPU when no debug session is active.


SetDbgPowerDownOnClose = <value>


SetDbgPowerDownOnClose = 1 // Enables debug power-down on close.
SetDbgPowerDownOnClose = 0 // Disables debug power-down on close.


Enables/Disables DLL internal memory cache mechanisms that are used to improve performance. By default, memory cache mechanisms are enabled.


SetEnableMemCache = 0 | 1


SetEnableMemCache = 0 // Disable memory caching mechanisms


This command may not be used by any IDE, listed as a supported IDE, to disable memory cache mechanisms by default. It may only be used by specific customers for very specific test cases that needs the cache mechanisms to be disabled.


This command is used to select if the connected device has an ETB.


SetETBIsPresent = 0 | 1


SetETBIsPresent = 1 // ETB is available
SetETBIsPresent = 0 // ETB is not available


This command is used to select if the connected device has an ETM.


SetETMIsPresent = 0 | 1


SetETMIsPresent = 1 // ETM is available
SetETMIsPresent = 0 // ETM is not available


This command sets the J-Link DLL internal threshold when a write to flash memory does not cause a read-modify-write (RMW) operation. For example, when setting this value to 0x800, all writes of amounts of data < 2 KiB will cause the DLL to perform a read-modify-write operation on incomplete sectors.
Default: Writing amounts of < 1 KiB (0x400) to flash causes J-Link to perform a read-modify-write on the flash.


SetFlashDLNoRMWThreshold = <value>


SetFlashDLNoRMWThreshold = 0x100 // 256 Bytes
For detailed examples, see here.


This command is used to set a minimum amount of data to be downloaded by the flash download feature.


SetFlashDLThreshold = <value>


SetFlashDLThreshold = 0x100 // 256 Bytes


This command can be used to ignore read memory errors. Disabled by default.


SetIgnoreReadMemErrors = 0 | 1


SetIgnoreReadMemErrors = 1 // Read memory errors will be ignored
SetIgnoreReadMemErrors = 0 // Read memory errors will be reported


This command can be used to ignore read memory errors. Disabled by default.


SetIgnoreWriteMemErrors = 0 | 1


SetIgnoreWriteMemErrors = 1 // Write memory errors will be ignored
SetIgnoreWriteMemErrors = 0 // Write memory errors will be reported


Used to indicate that it is necessary to initialize the work RAM on connect. This is important for devices that provide ECC RAM we use as work RAM and this RAM cannot be read without being written first.


SetInitWorkRAMOnConnect = 0 | 1


SetInitWorkRAMOnConnect = 1 // Work RAM will be initialized on connect
SetInitWorkRAMOnConnect = 0 // Work RAM will NOT be initialized on connect (default).

See: J-Link Script file samples


This command is used to enable / disable the verbose mode for J-Link log files. In verbose mode, the J-Link Software will log all data written to & read from the target device.
For information about how to enable a J-Link log file, please refer to the Enable J-Link log file article.


SetLogVerbose = 0 | 1
Default == 0


SetLogVerbose = 1 // J-Link log verbose mode is enabled
SetLogVerbose = 0 // J-Link log verbose mode is disabled


This command is used to enable / disable monitor mode debugging. Disabled by default.


SetMonModeDebug = 0 | 1


SetMonModeDebug = 1 // Monitor mode debugging is enabled
SetMonModeDebug = 0 // Monitor mode debugging is disabled


Can be used to set the path for the trace file to capture RAWTrace data. RAWTrace data is the unfiltered, unanalyzed and raw trace data that is streamed from the target device via the J-Trace PRO to the host PC.

To be able to analyze the streamed RAW data it is necessary to know how the trace Arm Coresight components are initialized. It is user responsibility to acquire this data from the target device. For more information see the corresponding Arm documentation.

The RAW trace data will be saved in 2 GiB chunks/files. Once 2 GiB are saved into a file a new file will be opened and the file name incremented. Make sure that the trace file feature is used only for a reasonable amount of time. Transfer rates can be up to 150 MiB/s.

Make sure you have enough disc space for your planned recording before starting it. For the same reason the usage of an SSD is recommended. Most HDDs will not have fast enough write speeds to cope with the incoming trace data.


TraceFile = <TraceFilePath>


TraceFile = C:\Temp\TraceFile.bin


Allows to adjust the sample point for the specified trace data signals inside the J-Trace firmware. This can be useful to compensate certain delays on the target hardware (e.g. caused by routing etc.).


TraceSampleAdjust <PinName> = <Adjust_Ps>[ <PinName>=<Adjust_Ps> ...]

<PinName> Description
TD Adjust all trace data signals
TD0 Adjust trace data 0
TD1 Adjust trace data 1
TD2 Adjust trace data 2
TD3 Adjust trace data 3
TD3..0 Adjust trace data 0-3
TD2..1 Adjust trace data 1-2
TDx..y Adjust trace data x-y
<Adjust_Ps> Description
-5000 to 5000 Adjustment in [ps]


TraceSampleAdjust TD = 1000


When set will try enable stalling mode for trace encoders that support this feature e.g. ETMv4.5 and RISC-V N-Trace encoder. Stalling is an optional feature which instead of allowing trace overflows will temporarily halt/stall the MCU until the trace buffer is cleared and will then continue execution.


TRACE_SetEnableStalling = 0 | 1


TRACE_SetEnableStalling = 1


If the ITM is being used in the debugger, via this option it is possible to enable or disable the generation of exception packets.


TRACE_SetEnableITMExceptionPackets = 0 | 1


TRACE_SetEnableITMExceptionPackets = 1


If the ITM is being used in the debugger, via this option it is possible to enable or disable the generation of ITM PC samples.


TRACE_SetEnableITMPCSamples = 0 | 1


TRACE_SetEnableITMPCSamples = 1


If the ITM is being used in the debugger, via this option it is possible to set with which frequency the ITM timestamp packets are generated. Minimum value is 64. Maximum value is 16384. Between 64 and 1024 values with 64 increment are valid. Between 1024 and 16384 values with 1024 increment are valid. Default value is 1024 cycles. Setting this option will also automatically enable ITM timestamp packet generation.


TRACE_SetEnableITMTimestamps = <Cycles>


TRACE_SetEnableITMTimestamps = 512


Can be used to set the path for the STM trace data file to capture the raw STM data send from the target device.

It is mutually exclusive with exec command TRACE_SetSTMDataPort


TRACE_SetSTMDataFile = <TraceFilePath>


TRACE_SetSTMDataFile = C:\Temp\STMData.bin


Can be used to set the TCP port on which the raw STM data is send to from the target device. The data is then streamed to localhost.

It is mutually exclusive with exec command TRACE_SetSTMDataFile


TRACE_SetSTMDataPort = <Port>


TRACE_SetSTMDataPort = 19099


When doing instruction tracing via pins the recorded trace data is stored temporarily in system RAM. Per default the number of trace items stored in the backtrace buffer is ~64 million items. This limits the amount of time that can be recorded and can be displayed once the target device is halted. To lift the limit and increase the number of items that can be stored the following exec command can be used.

Note: Please be aware of the fact that if you increase the number of of items drastically your host system resources will be used up quite quickly. For reference, to store 1 billion items you already require at least 4 GB of system RAM. If you now want to display that data somehow e.g. in Ozone in a timeline that RAM usage goes up to more than 8 GB for the same amount of data. So make sure that your host system has enough RAM to display that much trace data. Additionally the time needed to display the recorded data is significantly higher than the time it took to record it e.g. if you record for 10 seconds it can take up to a minute to display the data in e.g. Ozone.


TRACE_SetBackTraceMaxNumItems = <NumItems>


TRACE_SetBackTraceMaxNumItems = 0x80000000


This command defines the length of the RESET pulse in milliseconds. The default for the RESET pulse length is 20 milliseconds.


SetResetPulseLen = <value>


SetResetPulseLen = 50


This command selects the reset strategy which shall be used by J-Link, to reset the device. The value which is used for this command is analog to the reset type which shall be selected. For a list of all reset types which are available, please refer to Reset strategies. Please note that there different reset strategies for ARM 7/9 and Cortex-M devices.


SetResetType = <value>


SetResetType = 0 // Selects reset strategy type 0: normal


This command specifies whether the J-Link restarts target execution on close. The default is to restart target execution. This can be disabled by using this command.


SetRestartOnClose = 0 | 1


SetRestartOnClose = 1


In some cases J-Link cannot locate the RTT buffer in known RAM. This command is used to set the exact address manually.


SetRTTAddr <RangeStart>


SetRTTAddr 0x20000000


This command alters the RTT telnet port. Default is 19021. This command must be called before a connection to a J-Link is established. In J-Link Commander, J-Link Command Strings ("exec <JLinkCommandString>") can only be executed after a connection to J-Link is established, therefore this command string has no effect in J-Link Commander. The -RTTTelnetPort command line parameter can be used instead.


SetRTTTelnetPort <value>


SetRTTTelnetPort 9100


In some cases J-Link cannot locate the RTT buffer in known RAM. This command is used to set (multiple) ranges to be searched for the RTT buffer.


SetRTTSearchRanges <RangeAddr> <RangeSize> [, <RangeAddr1> <RangeSize1>, ..]


SetRTTSearchRanges 0x10000000 0x1000, 0x20000000 0x1000,


This command is used to set the ID Code for Renesas RX devices to be used by the J-Link DLL.


SetRXIDCode = <RXIDCode_String>


Set 16 IDCode Bytes (32 Characters).
SetRXIDCode = 112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF00


This command may be used to skip the debug de-init J-Link usually performs on debug session close.

By default, J-Link clears all debug bits on debug session close to make sure that low power modes on the target chip work as expected and the chip does not draw unnecessarily much power. When using this command, the debug unit of the target CPU is powered-down when the debug session is closed.

Under certain circumstances debug de-init may not be desried. For example: Cortex-M - Application uses cycle counter

By setting this option to 1, the target chip may draw more power than usual, when it enters low power modes.


SetSkipDebugDeInit = <value>


SetSkipDebugDeInit = 1 // Skips debug de-init on disconnect / debug session close.


Deprecated. Use SetCompareMode instead.

This command is used to configure the CRC match / compare mode.


This command is used to skip the restoring of the RAMCode.


SetSkipRestoreRAMCode = 0 | 1


SetSkipRestoreRAMCode = 1


When using this command, the target CPU is powered-down when no transmission between J-Link and the target CPU was performed for a specific time. When the next command is given, the CPU is powered-up.

This command works only for Cortex-M3 devices.

Typical applications

This feature is useful to reduce the power consumption of the CPU.


SetSysPowerDownOnIdle = <value>

A 0 for <value> disables the power-down on idle functionality.


SetSysPowerDownOnIdle = 10; // The target CPU is powered-down when there is no
                            // transmission between J-Link and target CPU for
                            // at least 10ms


This command is used to configure the verify mode.


SetVerifyDownload = <VerifyMode>

Compare mode Description
0 Skip
1 Programmed sectors, fastest method (default)
2 Programmed sectors using CRC
3 Programmed sectors using readback
4 All sectors using fastest method
5 All sectors using CRC
6 All sectors using read back
7 Programmed sectors using checksum
8 All sectors using checksum


SetVerifyDownload = 1 // Select programmed sectors, fastest method


Enables verification of downloads into RAM. These are disabled by default because most IDEs verify them on their own by reading back the memory after writing it. As especially for large downloads into external DDR RAM a double verify would cost significant time, J-Link does not verify such downloads implicitly by default.


SetVerifyRAMDownload = <value>


SetVerifyRAMDownload = 1


Used to disable the 1st-level verify that is usually done by RAMCodes right after programming a chunk of data


SetSetSkipL1Verify = <value>


SetSetSkipL1Verify = 1


This command can be used to configure the RAM area which will be used by J-Link.


SetWorkRAM <StartAddressOfArea>-<EndAddressOfArea>


SetWorkRAM 0x10000000-0x100FFFFF


Executing this command opens the J-Link web control panel.




After using this command, new firmware will be updated automatically without opening a message box.




This command activates power supply over pin 19 of the JTAG connector.

Typical applications

This feature is useful for some eval boards that can be powered over the JTAG connector.


SupplyPower = 0 | 1


SupplyPower = 1


This command activates power supply over pin 19 of the JTAG connector permanently.

Typical applications

This feature is useful for some eval boards that can be powered over the JTAG connector.


SupplyPowerDefault = 0 | 1


SupplyPowerDefault = 1


Using this command ensures, that the control panel will not pop up automatically.




Using this command ensures, that the J-Link software will not spawn any graphical user interfaces (i.e. message boxes, firmware update dialogs, etc.). This can be useful for headless environments or automated setups.
IDEs, debuggers and similar applications should not use this command string for normal operation, as visual feedback is desired in that case.

  • When suppressing GUI, error messages or similar that would be displayed to the user using a dialog may only be visible in the J-Link log file.
  • This command may be executed before a J-Link connection has been established. This can be achieved using J-Link SDK. For more information visit our website.




After using this command information about available firmware updates will be suppressed.

We strongly recommend not to use this command, latest firmware versions should always be used!




This command is used to set the SWO conversion mode.


SWOSetConversionMode = <ConversionMode>

Conversion mode Description
0 If only '\n' is received, make it "\r\n" to make the line end Windows-compliant. (Default behavior)
1 Leave everything as it is, do not add any characters.


SWOSetConversionMode = 0


This command is used to set the SWO host buffer size in bytes.

If the calling application (usually an IDE) makes use of SWO, it is expected that SWO data is periodically read by the calling application, from the J-Link software. Therefore, usually a 4 MB buffer on the J-Link software side is sufficient to buffer the SWO data between the intervals where the calling application empties the buffer. In order to minimize overhead, it is recommended that the calling application retrieves data from the J-Link software in big chunks (> 1 MB per SWO_Read() call).


SWOSetHostBufferSize = <HexValueInBytes>


SWOSetHostBufferSize = 0x1000000


With this command you can set VTref temporarily to a fixed value between 1.2 and 5 V independent from the measured value. Due to the command is temporary the J-Link DLL will withdraw this temporary change on debug session end (Close()). In case of the temporary overwrite should be restored to the previous VTref mode (fixed or measured) earlier, this can be achieved by entering "0" <Voltage in mV>.


SetVTrefTmp <Voltage in mV>

Using J-Link Command Strings

The recommend way to execute J-Link command strings is to add them to a J-Link script file for repetitive use, e.g. on debug session start. For this J-Link script file function JLINK_ExecCommand can be used.

If this however is not an option, there are other ways to execute a J-Link Command String:

  • J-Link Commander: Via the exec command.
  • Ozone: By adding Exec.Command("<CommandString>"); to the fitting function in the Ozone project file (.jdebug).
    • Note: In most cases, this should either be BeforeTargetConnect() or AfterTargetConnect(), depending on if the Command String requires a target connection or not.
    • For further information, please refer to the Ozone User Manual (UM08025)
  • SEGGER Embedded Studio: Project options -> Debug -> J-Link -> Additional J-Link Options